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In a press conference,Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and his Iraqi counterpart, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, discussed the situation in eastern Alfurat, saying that it is not compatible with the Syrian constitution. The Syrian :government’s goal after Idlb is east of Alfurat. The following
We have confirmed in previous statements that the reason for the stalled talks with Damascus is due to the prior restraints and narrow borders set by the Damascus government for this dialogue, and we rejected the accusations of foreign forces standing behind the stalemate of the talks, and called on the government in Damascus to show more flexibility in order to reach national formulas for political solution.
We believe that the current Syrian constitution needs to be reviewed and discussed, and that it ignores the developments after seven years of crisis and the great sacrifices of the Syrian people for change. We also believe that one of the reasons that led to the crisis is the fact that the Syrian constitution remains without review. Depth and non-observance of this Constitution to the nature of the Syrian society and its composition and the aspirations of the Syrian people.
On the other hand, we affirm that we do not believe in a military solution and we were not involved in any armed conflict with the Syrian government, and that Syria’s democratic forces are defensive forces defending itself against any attack, and that the threat language used by officials in the Syrian government does not serve the solution in Syria and undermine the orientation towards dialogue.
Amjad Othman
Spokesman for the Syria Democratic Council
15 October 2018
