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Statement to the public opinion

The Turkish army in the targeting of two border villages west of the city of Kubani on 27 October 2018 without any justification for this serious escalation, the Turkish army is targeting to fire the safe and stable areas in northern Syria at a time when Turkey is under pressure related to the agreement of Adlb city and the timetable agreed between them and Russia . This is confirmed by the positions that accompanied the conclusion of the recent Quartet summit in Istanbul, and comes at a time when Syria’s democratic forces are fighting the most important battles against the last bastions of ISIS in the rural suburb of Deir al-Zour, making the Turkish attacks a clear support for the ISIS and its terrorism.

The policy of spreading the chaos and the creation of crises of Turkey in Syria has not only brought to the Syrians but the scars and tragedies, except that Turkey has fled within seven years of any confrontation with the regime’s army, it continued to support the jihadists, providing facilities to elemente of ISIS and Jabht Alnsra, And opened its borders to them to work on the implementation of agendas and interests that met with the interests of Turkey, at the forefront of fighting any democratic project or political vision that would establish a democratic change in the future of Syria.

We affirm that during the seven years of the crisis in Syria, we have worked to respect the privacy of the Syrian society, and we have committed ourselves to the aspirations of the Syrian people to bring about change. We have also made sure not to be dragged behind the regional and foreign agendas.We didn’t seek to interfere in the affaires of neighboring countries and we respected the existing borders, and didn’t offer any step that might justify the brutal Turkish aggression that we saw in Afrin and its occupation. Our choice was to confront this occupation and protect our areas.

We in the Syria Democratic Council condemn in the strongest terms the Turkish aggression on the safe villages in northern Syria. We call on the United Nations and the International Coalition against ISIS to intervene and carry on their responsibilities towards the Turkish provocation for Syria’s democratic forces. We affirm that such behavior will hinder war on ISIS and gives her another chance to expand in Syria, and we call on the Syrian government in Damascus not to remain in rhe place of the spectator and to start taking legal measures at the international level to put an end to the Turkish violations and their ambitions in Syria.

Syria Democratic Council

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