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Four years from now in a historic and deciseve moment, the entire world holded his breath and he saw black banners applied siege on the city of kobani in a scene in which a Kobani triumph was like a key victory to all freemen who came out around the world and in all arenas are standing with the heroes of the resistance in Kobani, Who really minutied the most courageous historical epics and made women icon and a symbol of life and human dignity and the resistance which was highlighted by the manifestations suicide martyr Areen Merican demonstrated to the entire world the hardened and resistance of women to the terrorism

While recalling the world in solidarity with kobani in November 1 of each year, with the fourth anniversary of the resistance, the resistance heroes and leaders are still fighting their battles without fatigue against terror, triumph of Kobani was founded to further triumphs, where Syrian democratic forces of liberation of the City of manbij and Tel Abyad and Al-Reqqa the capital of ISIS, and the fighting still continues in the countryside of Deir Al-Zor

Coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the international day of solidarity with the kobani, where the Turkish army with hostile and reprehensible behavior targeting sons of resistance, during the last two days the Turkish army dropped over martyrs from Kkbani and Tel-Ayad without any justification for this assault that serves terrorism and threatens Syria’s independence and territorial integrity, and opens the door to all the possibilities. under international silence brings to mind the scene in Afrin and those jihadist who occupied it and strives to be combined to the influence of the Turkish State

We at the Syria Democratic Council while remembering the heroic resistance in kobani, we call on all free people around the world to show solidarity with our cause and our resistance, being the first gate to fight terrorism that threatens world peace and security, we call upon the international community to take the necessary attitudes And clear measures against Turkish threats to Northern and Eastern Syria and push for a political solution based on Security Council resolution 2254 and forming committees to rework the Constitution without excluding any party.

We emphasize the decision of our military/SdF/stop the recent campaign against Al ISIS areas Deir Al- Zor unless Turkish State stops its attacks against the North of Syria.
Glory and eternity for Kobani martyrs

Syria Democratic Council


