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مكتب الإعلام : 00963937460001 مكتب العلاقات العامة:


A group of Coptic civilians were attacked on Friday (November 2nd, 2018) by a terrorist organization in the Arab Republic of Egypt, killing at least seven people and injuring 17 others while they were traveling to the monastery of Anba Samuel in Menia.
The same place of The killing of twenty-nine Christians last year, and this terrorist organization added another crime to its criminal record.
The perpetrators of this heinous crime aren’t different from the murderers of the girl “Sara Mustafa”, who was targeted by a bullet fired by a Turkish army sniper on the border while she was returning from her school in the village of Tel Fender in Tel Abyad.

We at the Syria Democratic Council at the time we condemn in the strongest terms this terrible crime, we affirm that this incident will increase the Egyptians’ determination to confront terrorism, as well as we consoled the families of the martyrs and the Arab Republic of Egypt ,the government and people, and we wish the injured a speedy recovery

Syria Democratic Council
North Syria 4 November 2018
