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The reality of Syrian women is The title of a lecture organized by the Women Office

On Wednesday, November 7, 2018, the Women Office of the Syria Democratic Council in ,Ain Issa, organized a women’s lecture on the reality of Syrian women and the challenges facing them, in addition to the latest political developments in the presence of the Co-president of the Syria Democratic Council” Amina Omar, Omar ” and a member of the presidential council ” Alham Ahmed” .

The meeting was attended by dozens of women in Ain Issa, as well as members of the women’s offices in “Abu Kharza – Al Ali Bagelia – Al Hisha”

Amina Omar spoke about women’s march through history and their role in building society and proper family and their contribution to ensuring an environment for coexistence among peoples.
contiued with “Women played a pivotal role in raising the family and creating a conscious generation that contributed to the development of humanity. In resolving conflicts and major wars throughout history.

Omar also spoke about the latest political developments in the region, the latest of which was the Turkish attacks on villages and cities in northern and eastern of Syria, and targeting of safe civilians, in which the girl child Sara Mustafa was martyred in the city of gree Sebei / Tel Obyad.

“In order to build a healthy and prosperous society, women must be made available and involved in decision-making in various spheres of political, social, cultural and economic life,” she said.
It is worth mentioning that this lecture comes in the framework of a series of lectures organized by the offices of the Council to introduce the vision and principles of the Syria Democratic Council.


Media Office of the Syria Democratic Council
