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 The Office for Development and Humanitarian Affairs calls for intensified relief work


On Wednesday, 7 November, the Office for the Development and Humanitarian Affairs of the Syria Democratic Council, in a meeting with local organizations in northern and eastern of Syria, called for intensified relief work in displacement camps


The meeting was attended by representatives of local organizations in Raqqa, Tabqa, Manbaj, Deir Al-Zour, Ain Issa and Al-Hasakah in order to intensify the relief work and to find mechanisms for cooperation, coordination , encourage individual and collective initiatives and efforts for reconstruction and stability in the region

The attenders also discussed the necessity of providing adequate support to local organizations and encouraging the children of Al-Raqqa, Deir Al-Zour and Al-Tablqa to the construction projects and the return of the people to their cities

On the part of , Abdul Qadir Mwahad, the joint head of the Office for Development and Humanitarian Affairs, said that the office is responsible for relief and humanitarian work in all areas of northern and eastern Syria and that they are working on issuing a law regulating the work of associations and organizations active in this regard

This meeting for the Office for Development and Humanitarians Affairs comes after the monthly meeting on Sunday (November 4th) in which it called on all organizations to support the camps and alleviate the suffering of the displaced people during the winter


Media Office of the Syria Democratic Council
