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” From the US capital,”Washington
Elham Ahmed, the Executive Body Chairwoman of the Syrian Democratic Council, asserted that their aim is to build a new Syria to be Democratic and to absorb all its entities.
The talk of the Executive Body Chairwoman came during a dialogue session that hosted her in the Middle East Research Institute in Washington.
Elham Ahmed said : during their stay in the United States that they met officials from the White House and members of the US Congress. And about the reason of her visit to the US capital “Washington” Elham Ahmed said : we came here( Washington) to convey our voice to the American leadership and the American people that the fight against terrorism must continue and to ensure that ISIS will not appear again. It is effectively restricted but it is present culturally and Intellectually.
Ahmed continued, they are seeking to build a democratic Syria that respects religious and ethnic diversity .
Our aim is for all Syrians( religious, ethnic) entities to enjoy their rights without exclusion and we will struggle until this achieved.
On the allegations that the Syrian Democratic Forces are Kurdish forces and are committed only to the places of kurds existence, Elham Ahemad said
We are committed to defend all Syrian territory ,its entities and there are no differences among Qamishlo, Deir-Alzour and Damascus.
Ahmed also reported that the Syrian Democratic Forces are national forces that doesn’t seek to threaten any side and their aim is to protect the Syrian people earnings against any threat.
Ahmed said, in the beginning of her talking that they demanded recognition of self-management and support in all its forms and the decision of the US President, Donald Trump, to withdraw from Syria and the consequences that may result from it.
She also said : We respect the US leadership decisions, but there must be alternative plans after the withdrawal and most of us ask to ensure security and stability after the withdrawal of the US troops.
According to the Turkish declarations that the Syrian Democratic Forces make a threat to their national security. Ahmed said: we don’t plan any conflict with Turkey, but Turkey rejects any democratic experience in Syria and Turkey seeks to undermine the efforts that aim to end the Syrian crisis with the participation of all Syrians.
Elham Ahmed ,the Executive Body Chairwoman, during the dialogue session talked about the safe area topic which was suggested by the US President on twitter. We refuse that Turkey should take over the supervision on the safe area because Turkey is trying to occupy more Syrian territory and commit crimes in it and the experience of Afrin proves that.
And as for the Turkish role in prolonging the Syrian crisis and showing the conflict as a national ethnic conflict, Ahmed said: Turkey tried to show the Syrian conflict as an ethnic conflict , but we avoided that and maintained the religious and ethnic diversity and protect the entities from any threat.
In a related context , CNN reported that there was a non- traditional diplomatic meeting between Elham Ahmed, the Executive Body Chairwoman, and Donald Trump ,the US President, in a hotel in the US capital , Washington

Media Office of the Syrian Democratic Council



