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Ghayath Naisa, spokesman for the revolutionary left trend in Syria, said that self-management in north and east of Syria is a gain for all Syrians, and we should not overdo it and called for stopping the Turkish occupier to occupy more Syrian territory.
On the recent Turkish proposal to establish a safe area in east of the Euphrates, a spokesman for the Revolutionary Left Trend in Syria:
“Turkey has ambitions of occupation and colonialism in Syria. Turkey occupies areas in north of Syria and the occupation of Afrin region a year ago embodies the expansionist intentions of theTurkish State and which proves its negative role in the Syrian crisis as it tries to benefit from the decision of the American withdrawal by occupying the areas of East Euphrates.”
Naisa added ,The Turkish ambition suffered abortion and catastrophic failure and the situation in the north and east of Syria is still the subject of discussion and negotiation between regional and international active countries in the Syrian file.”
With regard to the attitude of the revolutionary left trend in Syria from the Turkish interference in the Syrian territory, “Naisa” explained that they categorically reject any military intervention or any other by the Turkish State and all Syrians must work to liberate what was occupied by Turkey and prevent any other occupation by the Turkish State.
As for the Turkish pretexts and excuses to protect its national security through its direct military interventions or through its mercenaries, Ghayath Naisse said:
“Turkey must know that we are not enemies to it as long as it has not attacked our land and people. And the regions of north and east of Syria have never been a source of threat to them and it is possible to reach understandings that secure the tranquility between us, but if it attacks us the Syrians response will be firm and its occupation in our country will not last”
A spokesman for the Revolutionary Left Trend in Syria, saying:
“We are open to dialogue with all sides, but we will not abandon any part of our people gains and the self-management of the north and east of Syria is an important gain not only for the regions of north and east of Syria, but for all Syrians.”
The spokesman of the Revolutionary Left Trend in Syria, “Ghayath Naisa,” concluded his speech by sending a message to the cooperating Syrians with the Turkish State in the occupation of their country:
“The Syrians who cooperate with the Turkish State are nothing but worn-out papers that the Turkish state will throw at the earliest opportunity. I also appeal to those who have the conscience to return to their country and join the struggle of their people and defend the experience of north and east of Syria.”
