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On the invitation of the Syria Democratic Council (SDC) and under the slogan” from Syrian social contract towards the new democratic era, More than 100 Syrians who are representatives of powers, parties and institutions of civil society and independent Syrian activists met in the Syrian city Kubani which is a part of the Self-Administration regions in North and East of Syria. This is the third meeting of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue. At the beginning, the meeting congratulated SDF victories over terrorism . The attendants discussed for two consecutive days the constitutional issue and the Syrian solution roadmap .They agreed on the need for the basic constitutional and supra-constitutional articles that fortify the new Syrian constitution, including the items that are provided by the preparatory committee and the participants’ contributions that are ensuring Syria unity ,sovereignty and achieving a democratic political system for a decentralized Syria.They discussed with great interest and seriousness the project of the democratic Self-Administration of North and East Syria as an important project to solve the Syrian crisis.Such project can be spread throughout Syrian homeland
The attendants also pointed out that the Syrian solution roadmap consists of preliminary procedures that emanate from specific political proceedings that are enriched by the participants and endorsed in the dialogue, in order to achieve a real breakthrough for the Syrian crisis on the basis of political solution course guided by the relevant UN decisions, foremost of which is UN
decision 2254
The attendants stressed that there is no alternative to a political solution that guarantees the participation of all opposition parties and secular national democratic powers in a substantial negotiation process that will achieve security, peace and stability in Syria, region and world .The attendants called for the necessity of ending all foreign occupation and foreign presence on the Syrian territories in order to achieve Syrian sovereignty over all its territories from Afrin to Lewa-Iskandaron to occupied Golan and all areas that were recently occupied by Turkey
No one has the right to concede or adjoin any part of Syrian territories to others, either by great countries that affect Syrian file or by local Syrian and regional parties
The attendants also stressed and with the aim of strengthening and consolidating the Syrian opposition vision to
launch series of Syrian dialogues that lead to
Syria Democratic Council into a national democratic center that will unite the opposition and lead to negotiation course in order to achieve change and comprehensive democratic transformation
In this regard, the attendants have authorized the Syria Democratic Council and an extended follow-up committee to work on condensing meetings and dialogues at the national Syrian, Arab, regional and international levels with the aim of holding a national Syrian conference

The third Syrian – Syrian Dialogue
Kubani .28 March 2019
