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During its meeting with the representatives of North and East Syria, the French Presidency pledged to continue providing military support and protect the region from any threat
The meeting of the French presidency with the representatives of the regions of north and east of Syria was upon the official invitation of Elysee, where a delegation headed by the President of the Executive Body of he Syria Democratic Council, Ilham Ahmed, the joint chair of the Executive Council of Self-Adminisration, Abed Hamed Al-Muhabash”, Self-Administratin adviser, Badran Jia, the member of leadership in the Women’s Protection Units, Nisreen Abdullah, the spokesman of the Syria Democratic Forces (QSD) Gabriel Kino, and the representative of the Democratic Union Party in France, Khaled Issa
In this context, the President of the Executive Body of the Syrian Democratic Council, Elham Ahmed, told a news network that French President, Emmanuel Macaron, promised to continue providing support at the military and civilian levels and work to eliminate terrorism completely, and stressed the need to maintain the security and stability in the north and east of Syria and protect it from any threat
About the presence of French troops in northern and eastern Syria, the head of the Executive Body of SDC ,Ilham Ahmed, daid that French leadership confirmed its continued efforts to eradicate terrorism in all its forms
The meeting also dealt with the members of the terrorist organization ISIS and their families detained in prisons of Self-administration , who are estimated by thousands.The French side confirmed that it is interested and following-up this issue and will support this matter financially.
On the other hand, the joint chairman of the Executive Council of the Self-administration , Abed Hamed Al-Mahbash, stressed that the French president focused during their meeting on the need for the participation of representatives of northern and eastern regions of Syria in the drafting committees of the Syrian constitution or any efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis

Media Office of the Syrian Democratic Council
20 April 2019
