By Jihan Khedero Throughout history, violence against women has been the widespread crime in the history of human violence, and in all countries of the world. Despite the explicit protections outlined in the four Geneva...
By Ali Rahmoun For more than 13 years, the Syrian crisis has remained intractable. The reasons for this situation are numerous and multifaceted, primarily due to the country’s division as a result of foreign...
By Bashar Abboud One of the fundamental principles of the culture of democracy is the ability to engage in dialogue with others without undermining relationships. Given this essential principle, important questions...
By Muaffaq Neirbiah As the Syrian crisis deepens, the Stockholm Process has emerged as a unique initiative aimed at uniting the efforts made by democratic powers and figures in Syria. This process emerged spontaneously...
By Thabet al-Jawher Secretary-General of the Syrian Homeland Party “Our homeland is the whole world. Our law is liberty. We have but one thought: revolution in our hearts”. Dario Fo, an Italian playwright...
By Ismail Muhammad Deputy Secretary-General of the Syrian Construction and Development Party Deir ez-Zor Governorate represents a crucial region regarding the multifaceted Syrian scene due to its strategic location and...
By Hussein Azzam The Syrian Revolution began as peaceful and popular protests in marginalized Syrian areas in 2011. The protesters demanded freedom, dignity, and emancipation, and the end of oppression, corruption, and...
By Munther Khaddam Almost all the interested in Middle Eastern affairs, regardless of their affiliations, agree on one matter that Israeli attacks on Gaza on October 7, 2023, became a pivotal and decisive event. It has...
By Hassan Muhammad Ali Co-chairman of the SDC’s Public Relations Office The stage Syria is going through is a crucial and historical one at the same time. It is crucial as it will determine the fate of the...
By Ali Rahmoun Deputy of the SDC’s Co-chairman A comprehensive understanding of the current Syrian situation necessitates a retrospective analysis of its genesis. The popular uprising and revolution that unfolded...