The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement for the Public Opinion

The Syrian Democratic Council is following with great interest the field developments in various Syrian cities and the dire situation experienced by the Syrian society as a result of the deterioration of the general situation and the lack of stability for Syrian citizens who are experiencing the repercussions of the war that divided the country and displaced more than half of the people who are living the worst humanitarian conditions throughout their modern history, while the authorities in Damascus, regarding this serious situation, are still incapable to find any solutions, at a time when dissatisfaction about the spread of poverty, rampant corruption and the deterioration of living conditions is obvious.

The Syrian Democratic Council expresses its full solidarity with the protesters in various Syrian cities where citizens expressed their dissatisfaction and rejection of the policies of the authority in Damascus, so the Council condemns the repression of demonstrations and the use of violence against citizens, and calls on the Syrian authorities to implement the purposes and contents of UN resolutions that all affirmed respect for the right of peaceful demonstrations, release detainees and arbitrarily detained persons, and start a clear phase whose mission is to end the conflict in Syria and announce effective political steps according to a timetable, guaranteeing the democratic transition of the country and establishing a new constitutional regime that establishes a democratic regime that achieves justice for all, as well as the Council condemns in the strongest terms the firing of bullets by the authorities on demonstrators and affirms its full solidarity with the peaceful popular movement and calls on the organizers of the movement in Aleppo, cities of the Syrian coast, Suwayda and Daraa in the far south not to be targeted by contradictory goals that are aimed at by the authorities and their security agencies on one hand and Turkey and its Brotherhood factions on the other hand by maintaining peaceful protests first, and not following sectarian slogans that have been a reason for diverting the revolutionary movement since March 2011 and taking it out of its national course, and also it warns Syrians of all spectra and especially the authority in Damascus about repeating wrong policies that have brought woes to Syrians, as well as reiterating statements by Turkish officials who have repeatedly confirmed that they target occupying Aleppo city and its countryside and annexing it to their influence.

The Syrian Democratic Council affirms the importance of a political resolution in light of the seriousness of the situation in Syria and strongly condemns the continuation of acts of violence and systematic destruction of the fabric of Syrian society and human rights violations in areas under Damascus authority control and areas occupied by Turkey, and affirms that these peaceful protests in all their forms are the right path to achieve the desired goal represented by democratic change.

In light of regional dimensions of the Syrian issue, the crisis requires a unified position for Syrians and national awareness to overcome the stage and problems entrenched by the tyrannical central regime, so the matter requires a joint work to stop conflict and severity of humanitarian crisis which will create more tensions, so we once again affirm our support and advocacy for these protests and legitimate demands, and we call on all Syrians to stand in solidarity with these protests.

On August 24, 2023
The Syrian Democratic Council

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