The Syrian Democratic Council

The SDC and the Kurdish Left Party hold a dialogue seminar in Hasakah

Under the slogan “No for Sedition, Yes for Consolidating the Unity Components of North and East Syria), the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) with the Kurdish Left Party in Syria held a dialogue seminar attended by a group of intellectuals, politicians and representatives of political parties and tribal elders, in the city of Hasakah in northeastern Syria.

The participants discussed the current crisis in the Deir ez-Zor region and the vision of the Kurdish Left Party on Syria about what events are happening now, where Muhammad Musa, Secretary of the Kurdish Left Party in Syria, expressed his regret for the bloodshed and the martyrdom of fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). “They are all like our sons”, Musa said.

He also pointed out the seriousness of the crisis and there are parties hostile to the state of cohesion among the components of society, represented by the authority in Damascus, Iran and Turkey, and that they are responsible for stirring up a sedition and inciting young people to create chaos and drag the region into what is not commendable. “Our ancient history of coexistence represents the authenticity and nobility of the components and peoples of northeastern Syria”, Musa added.

In a related context, Thabet al-Jawhar, a member of the Executive Body of the SDC, spoke about the role of the AANES and the SDF in consolidating the unity of the components of the region through concerted efforts and making all visions for serving people of the region, and adopting them officially to stop all methods through which rioters and seditionists infiltrate.

Regarding what is rumored about tribal fighting with the SDF, al-Jawhar said that “Whoever wants to know tribes should look at the ranks of the SDF to find that most of its fighters are from tribes spread over all territory of northeastern Syria.”

For her part, Darya Ramadan, a member of the Relations Bureau of the SDC, said that the SDC monitors and follows closely what is happening in Deir ez-Zor region and works to restore matters to their proper case.

The attendees expressed their absolute rejection of the names given to the crisis in Deir ez-Zor, including Dr. Ahmed al-Battah, Secretary-General of the Popular Initiative Council, who said that “The Security Enhancement Campaign came late, and this campaign should have been more than two years ago.”

He pointed out that the nature of Deir ez-Zor region gave opportunities for all those who are plotting to invest in disagreement and turn it into a different and very dangerous path for all regions of northeastern Syria.

At the end of the seminar, attendees stressed on spreading awareness about sedition’s dangers and its promoters in regions to prevent recurrence such crises. They affirmed their adherence to unity among Syria’s people in general and northeastern Syria’s regions in particular, in addition to standing by the SDF fighting for stability and security in the region.

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