The Syrian Democratic Council

A Statement for the Public Opinion Regarding Turkish Attacks on Energy Facilities and Vital Installations in Northeastern Syria

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) condemns and strongly denounces the hostile attacks by the Turkish state, known for terrorism and occupation, on areas in northeastern Syria. These attacks have persisted since yesterday until this moment, and conducted through aerial and drone strikes on energy facilities and vital installations in an unprecedented hostile and brutal manner, committing countless war crimes. These attacks have resulted in numerous victims and martyrs, including civilian construction workers and military personnel, in a clear and explicit violation of international law and humanitarian law.

The Council vehemently rejects violent methods and hostile attacks, as it emphasizes the falsehood of Turkish claims regarding the recent Ankara attack perpetrators crossing through areas in northeastern Syria. The Council considers these allegations and claims as nothing more than baseless and dangerous justifications jeopardizing the fate of the region’s people. The objectives behind these claims are to undermine the security and stability achieved by the Global Coalition forces against ISIS in collaboration with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Furthermore, Turkey aims to create a conducive environment for ISIS to reorganize itself and carry out new terrorist acts, posing a real threat to international security and peace. This also serves Turkey’s expansionist colonial policies, executes ethnic cleansing and demographic change operations, and involves the occupation and annexation of more Syrian territories.

The Council calls on the international community to condemn Turkish hostile attacks and hold it accountable for the war crimes committed in Syria. It specifically urges the United States and the Russian Federation, as the main guarantors of de-escalation agreements, to fulfill their responsibilities. They must not allow Turkey to export its crises and transfer its conflict with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party to northeastern Syria. It is essential for Turkey to respect the sovereignty and borders of neighboring countries. The Council also calls on all Syrians to stand united and fulfill their national duties against the aggression of the terrorist state and Turkish occupation in northeastern Syria.

Glory and eternity for the martyrs
Speedy recovery for the injured and wounded

On October 5, 2023
The Syrian Democratic Council

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