The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement for the Public Opinion

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) recalls and condemns the ongoing Turkish occupation of the areas of Ras al-Ain (Sere kaniye) and Tel Abyad (Gere Spi) in the provinces of Hasakah and Raqqa. Today marks the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the Turkish invasion, occupation, and displacement of nearly two hundred thousand civilians from their areas, committing crimes and violations that rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Council strongly condemns the continued aggressive attacks by the state of terrorism and Turkish occupation that use drones, warplanes, and artillery shelling on villages, towns, and cities, as well as energy facilities and vital infrastructure in various regions of northeastern Syria.

These Turkish attacks and hostile actions, which have intensified since October 4, 2023, have targeted more than 200 sites and facilities, causing significant material losses and dozens of lives, including civilians, children, women, and military and security personnel specialized in combating terrorism and drug trafficking. Those attacks have put oil, gas, power facilities, and vital services out of service, directly impacting the lives of more than five million people in northeastern Syria.

The SDC renews its call to the international community to condemn the Turkish hostile acts and urgently intervene to stop the attacks, ensuring the protection of the population, infrastructure, vital facilities, and services. The Council specifically calls on Arab countries to take a strong and firm stance against Turkish violations and crimes, considering Syria’s security an integral part of their regional security.

The Council calls on the Russian Federation to fulfill its responsibilities regarding de-escalation agreements and stopping Turkish hostile attacks. It also specifically calls on the Global Coalition led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France to fight ISIS, and assume their responsibilities. They should not limit their commitments to protecting their military personnel in the region, but rather take effective steps to maintain de-escalation and protect the region from all surrounding threats.

As achieving this goal becomes challenging while infrastructure, vital facilities, and services are being targeted, so preserving the resources and capabilities of the region’s population is a fundamental matter for continuity and focusing on combating terrorist threats. This necessitates, with utmost importance, that the Global Coalition forces should take decisive and tangible measures against Turkish threats, assuming the responsibility for the urgent rehabilitation of affected facilities to prevent the deterioration of conditions and the destabilization of security and stability in northeastern Syria.

The Council extends its condolences to the families of the martyrs, especially the martyrs of the internal security and the Anti-Narcotics Academy, who were trained by the Global Coalition. It wishes a speedy recovery for the wounded and injured. It emphasizes the right of the people of northeastern Syria to live in peace and stability without external threats. It reaffirms its commitment to seeking peaceful and comprehensive resolutions for the Syrian crisis and calls on all relevant parties to cooperate for achieving this objective and the political transition in Syria.

On October 9th, 2023
The Syrian Democratic Council

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