The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement for the Public Opinion on the Fourth Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Leader Havrin Khalaf

Today, on October 12th, 2023, marks the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Havrin Khalaf, Secretary-General of the Future Syria Party and a member of the Presidential Council of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), along with her driver and escort. They were brutally killed by terrorist factions allied with the Turkish occupation during the Turkish invasion of the cities of Ras al-Ain (Sere Kaniye) and Tel Abyad (Gire Spi) in the fall of 2019.

The field execution of the politician Havrin Khalaf and her comrades in a daylight is classified as a war crime in violation of international humanitarian law. Despite the inclusion of the faction “Ahrar al-Shrqiyah” and its leader Ahmed Hassan Fayyad al-Hays (Hatim Abu Shaqra), who personally supervised the field execution, on the lists of US sanctions, justice has not yet been served.

We, as the SDC, call for expanding sanctions to include all criminals and for international justice to stand with the victims and hold the perpetrators accountable. We also look forward to much international attention to end the Turkish occupation of Syrian territories, expel terrorist factions allied with it, form an international investigative committee for the committed crimes, compensate the affected, and bring all human rights violators to courts and justice.

At the same time, we urge the international community, influential countries involved in the Syrian file, to deter Turkey and hold it accountable for the crimes it commits against the people of northeastern Syria and their infrastructure. Turkey has not ceased its crimes since the occupation of Afrin in the spring of 2018, targeting all aspects of life in the region. The latest was the targeting of vital facilities, energy, water, grain silos, schools, and hospitals, resulting in numerous martyrs and casualties.

Glory and Eternity for Martyrs
Speedy Recovery for Wounded and Injured

On October 12th, 2023
The Syrian Democratic Council

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