The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement on Anniversary of the Raqqa Liberation

On October 20, 2023, it marks the sixth anniversary of the liberation of the city of Raqqa, the alleged capital of the so-called caliphate, from the grip of the most notorious terrorist group (ISIS) by the fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), with support of the Global Coalition to combat it.

This historical turning point, which culminated in the liberation of Raqqa, came after the sacrifices of the people of the region’s components within the ranks of the SDF, who did not hesitate to defend human and civilizational values and to rid the world of the evils of this terrorist group, which terrorized the world with its crimes and atrocities.

We, as the Syrian Democratic Council, recall the martyrs who sacrificed for the sake of peace and tolerance, congratulate the SDF and the city of Raqqa (The Euphrates Pearl) and its residents on this joyous occasion, which has become a model for civil life and coexistence.

The various levels of reconstruction efforts were among the most important achievements that brought life back to Raqqa after years of injustice and darkness. Thus, the communal and urban development progressed alongside with the liberation operations, and the people of Raqqa proved their competence in administration, wise governance, and the protection of their achievements.

In this context, we must mention and salute the sacrifices and roles of women, both in the liberation operations as part of the Women’s Protection Units affiliated to the SDF and later in their roles in protecting and rebuilding Raqqa, reviving and prospering it.

We also emphasize the continuing danger posed by the ISIS through its cells and remnants, and through the ideology that still continues to get support. Therefore, we call on the international community to engage seriously in eliminating this group, dealing with its remnants in al-Hol and Roj camps and finding sustainable resolutions for its detainees held by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).

As Syrians, we must witness the Raqqa model in liberation and reconstruction, and get benefit from the experience of the AANES as it provides an environment that discourages extremism and radicalism, encourages cooperation and equality, and can serve as a foundation that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people in building a new Syria where there is no place for extremism and tyranny.

On October 19, 2023
Syrian Democratic Council

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