The Syrian Democratic Council
SDC's Representatives hold a Dialogue Meeting with Syrian Community in the Netherlands

SDC’s Representatives hold a Dialogue Meeting with Syrian Community in the Netherlands

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) representatives held a dialogue meeting with the Syrian community, including politicians, community activists, interested individuals, and tribal leaders in the city of Huizen, the Netherlands. The meeting was attended by Rezgar Qasim and Majid Karro, representatives of the SDC, in coordination with Syrian businessmen Muhammad Zerzor and Khalid al-Hussein.

The meeting discussed the Syrian situation comprehensively. Rezgar Qasim, a representative of the SDC in the Netherlands and Germany, addressed Syria, its people, and the humanitarian and political tragedies it has faced for more than 10 years since the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution in 2011. Qasim emphasized the need of coming up with national solutions that pave the way for achieving the aspirations of the Syrian people.

Qasim noted the negative role of regional interveners such as Turkey and Iran, obstructing national solutions and attempting to undermine any approach that reunites Syrians as well as targeting Syrian areas, especially the north and northeast Syria where Turkey has wreaked havoc and destroyed the region’s infrastructure and vital facilities.

He spoke to the Syrian community in the Netherlands about the vision of the SDC and its project to resolve the Syrian crisis. Also, he pointed out that the SDC’s bedrock is the national dialogue among Syrian parties as well as building consensus as a basis for a comprehensive national conference to outline the solution and unify Syria after the fragmentation within the Syrian society.

Zerzor affirmed that the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) and the project pursued by the SDC are the most successful factors in building a prosperous future for Syria. He stressed the importance of adopting a democratic model based on popular participation and power-sharing. This model is necessary to ensure representation of all sects and segments of society in decision-making and maintain peace and stability in Syria.

Regarding the role of Syrian tribes and the SDC’s interest in all segments of Syrian society, Zerzor stated that the SDC works to enhance the national unity among all Syrians, considering the preservation of authentic tribal heritage essential for societal cohesion. He warned about regional parties’ attempts to undermine that cohesion by exploiting tribes to fuel a discord. Additionally, he urged tribes to uphold their authentic traditions and enhance noble values among different components.

This meeting is considered a part of a series of meetings regarding the path of joint national work. The path aims to strengthen ties among Syrian political parties and exchanging ideas to enhance understanding and cooperation among various components of the Syrian society.

The meeting was concluded with unanimous agreement among all participants on the importance of the joint work and national dialogue to achieve peace and stability in Syria. They emphasized the necessity of cooperation in supporting democratic work and contributing to building a citizenship state that preserves Syria and its people.

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