The Syrian Democratic Council
Women's delegation visits SDC to extend congratulations

Women’s delegation visits SDC to extend congratulations

Layla Qaraman, Co-chairwoman of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), and Janda Muhammad, Deputy of the Co-chairs of the SDC, received on Tuesday a delegation from the Administrative Body of the Women’s Council in northeastern Syria.

The delegation extended congratulations to the SDC on the success of the Fourth Conference’s work and to Qaraman, wishing them success and prosperity in their duties and responsibilities for the welfare of Syrian People.

Qaraman affirmed that Syrian women have proven their capabilities to make positive changes on some matters through their presence in various aspects of life and their insistence on playing diverse roles. They have worked to play leading roles regarding the Syrian political and social arena.

She emphasized that the issue of women is vital on the SDC’s policies and its strategy. The SDC recognizes that Syrian women are capable of changing reality through effective tools that contribute to the crystallization of national approaches that pave the way for resolving the Syrian crisis.

During the meeting, the delegation emphasized the importance of unifying women’s efforts and the necessity of creating mechanisms for joint coordination to enhance women’s participations in building community peace, advocating for women’s issues in Syria, and ensuring their effective participations in the political process to resolve the Syrian crisis.

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