The Women’s Office of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) conducted a workshop on the “CEDAW Convention” and the laws that emphasize women’s protection. The workshop took place on Wednesday at the Green Idlib Council headquarters as part of the Office’s events for the International Women’s Day.
Jihan Khedro, Chairwoman of the Women’s Office, delivered a brief speech about the overall events in Syria and their impact on the Syrian people.
“Today, we observe a minute of silence to remember the sacrifices made by Syrian women in prisons, camps, displacement areas, and everywhere,” Khedro stated.
“The tremendous struggle experienced by Syrian women over the past thirteen years qualifies them to play a crucial role in decision-making,” khedro added.
She emphasized that the SDC believe in women’s capabilities to contribute in shaping the Syria’s future. Hence, the national strategy was set for women’s empowerment.
Administrators from the Green Idlib Council, independent women figures and members of the Women’s Council of the Future Syria Party attended the workshop.
The first part of the workshop included a presentation and a brief overview of the convention, its articles, contents, and the countries that signed it. It also covered the countries that did not sign it.
During the workshop, some participants noted that there are attempts by regional powers to prolong the Syrian crisis. On the other hand, they highlighted the struggle of Syrian women, especially since the beginning of the revolution until now.
It is worth noting that the “CEDAW Convention” is an agreement on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. It was adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly. Also, it underscores the fundamental human rights, individual dignity, and equality of rights between men and women.