The Syrian Democratic Council
SDC holds a dialogue seminar in the Netherlands

SDC holds a dialogue seminar in the Netherlands

The representatives of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) in Germany and the Netherlands, in coordination with the Syriac Union Party, held on Sunday a dialogue seminar to enhance relations with various international powers and figures abroad, aiming at achieving the Syrian national interests. An elite group of political activists and members of the Syrian community residing in the Netherlands participated in the seminar which took place in Hengelo city, eastern the Netherlands.

The seminar was titled “The current situation and prospects of the future amid the Syrian Revolution that enters its fourteenth year”. The seminar was commenced with a welcoming speech by Majed Kero, Representative of the SDC in the Netherlands, emphasizing the purpose of the event.

Hassan Muhammad Ali, Co-chairman of the SDC’s Public Relations Office, discussed global events and their impacts on the region and its future.

He highlighted the ongoing political impasse due to the authority’s refusal in Damascus to engage in the national dialogue. Additionally, he pointed out how Syria continues to suffer from division and fragmentation exacerbated by direct regional interventions in the Syrian crisis.

Muhammad Ali emphasized the SDC’s national path and the objectives it seeks. He highlighted the outcomes of the SDC’s Fourth Conference, which contribute to strengthening relations among all Syrian components. He also discussed the project of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) through organizational bases of institutions and its relentless efforts to achieve the interests of people in the region despite the challenges it faces.

He emphasized that the SDC works on enhancing relations with various powers and figures inside Syria and abroad, aligning with issues related to the Syria’s national interests. The aim is to reach agreements for resolving the crisis in the country and building a new Syria.

The seminar addressed a range of Syrian-related issues and paths toward a political solution. It also discussed the necessity of joint national work and the challenges facing the unity of opposition forces in Syria, as well as the SDC’s crucial role played in this endeavor.

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