The Syrian Democratic Council
SDC holds a trilateral meeting with SDF and AANES

SDC holds a trilateral meeting with SDF and AANES

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) held on Friday, May 10, a trilateral meeting with the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).

The SDC’s delegation included Layla Qaraman, Co-chairwoman of the SDC and Mahmoud al-Mislat, Co-chairman of the SDC, along with Janda Muhammad, Ghassan al-Youssef and Ali Rahmoun, deputies of the SDC’s Co-chairs. Also, Hassan Muhammad Ali, Co-chairman of the SDC’s Relations Office, and AbdulQadir Muwahad, a member of the SDC’s Advisory Office, participated in the meeting.

Additionally, Mazloum Abdi, Commander-in-Chief of the SDF, Bander Hamidi al-Daham, Commander of the Sanadid Forces, and Abu Omar al-Idlibi, Commander of the North Democratic Forces, participated in the meeting. Also, Amira Muhammad, Leader of the Council of the Euphrates Region, and Rohlat Muhammad, a member of the SDF’s General Command, were present at the meeting.

The AANES delegation included Avin Suweid and Hussein Othman, Co-chairs of the AANES Executive Council, as well as Hamdan al-Abd, Deputy of the Executive Council’s Co-chairs, and Ilham Ahmad, Co-chairwoman of the Foreign Relations Department.

The meeting discussed general policies and strategies in North and East Syria, which contribute to finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis and maintain security and stability in the region. Additionally, the meeting underscored ways to achieve prosperity and development across various domains.

The discussion covered significant political and military developments, as well as service-related matters and challenges faced by citizens in the North and East Syria Region.

Furthermore, there was an emphasis on the importance of the national dialogue among all Syrian parties. Also, the meeting focused on the necessity of working together to shape a democratic national project that preserves the unity of Syria’s land and people.

The meeting also addressed how to confront security risks and threats targeting social peace, stability, and security in North and East Syria. It highlighted how to confront challenges faced by the AANES, and the need to engage regionally and internationally to build international partnerships focused on sustainable development.

Additionally, participants emphasized the importance of strengthening the political influence of the AANES and expanding Arab, regional, and international relations. This includes cooperation with various parties in economic, health, educational, and other critical areas, particularly in countering the terrorist Islamic State (ISIS).

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