The second conference of the Syrian Women’s Council commenced on Monday in the city of Aleppo, under the slogan “By Women’s Unity, We End the Conflict and Build Peace in a Decentralized Syria,”. 250 women participated in the conference. Those women represented various political parties and civil society organizations from different cities and regions of Syria.
Also, a delegation of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) office in Aleppo participated in the conference, including Jihan Muhammad, Administrator at the SDC’s office, Zeinab Qunber, a member of the SDC’s Women’s Office, and Fatima al-Husseino, a member of the SDC’s Public Relations Office.
Rihab Ibrahim, a member of the Executive Body of the Syrian Women’s Council, delivered a speech. “The holding of this conference is a challenge to the difficult political and economic conditions the country is going through,” Ibrahim stated.
The main goal of the conference is to find a solution to all the tragedies and pains suffered by the Syrian people, especially Syrian women.
The conference discussed the general status of women from social, economic, and political perspectives. Also, it focused on the importance of working to end the existing occupation of Syrian territories, ensuring the safe return of Syrians to their original areas of residence. Additionally, it underscored ending all policies of violence that Syrian women face in displacement camps and throughout society.
Ilham Ahmad, Co-chairwoman of the Foreign Relations Department of the North and East Syria, discussed the different paths of the Syrian crisis, which have failed to find a solution to the crisis. Those paths included the Geneva talks and the Constitutional Committee, in addition to holding many conferences.
Ahmad attributed that situation to the marginalization of the crucial role of Syrian figures in all the convened conferences and the exclusion of the essential role of Syrian women. Since years, the authority in Damascus and formations known as “the opposition” have aimed at that marginalization.
In a related context, Rabab Mirza, an engineer from Hama Governorate, discussed the obstacles faced by Syrian women. She emphasized that women in the coastal regions in Syria suffer from fear regarding engagement in political work. This fear hinders their progress and liberation, and prevents them from holding the positions they deserve.
Amal Awad, a feminist activist, noted that women in Suwayda, who have suffered from marginalization and exclusion, are now struggling to obtain their rights and assert their entity. Awad called on all Syrian women to stand in solidarity with the struggle of women in Suwayda.
Zuhaya al-Beqa’i, a political activist, pointed out that women have been the most oppressed and faced harassment since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in Daraa. She underscored those women still face suffering in general, especially with the security chaos in Daraa.
The conference concluded its proceedings by making amendments to its internal system. It also agreed on the formation of a General Council of the Syrian Women’s Council consisting of 60 members, and on a work plan for the Council’s activities for the upcoming stage.