The Syrian Democratic Council

SDC affirms Syrian unity and calls for national dialogue and democratic transition

Mahmoud al-Mislat, Co-chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), delivered on Saturday a speech during the second National Unity Forum for Syrian Tribes and Components. He emphasized the necessity of preserving Syria’s unity in terms of its territories and people through the national dialogue and the solidarity of Syrians.

More than five thousand national figures of tribes and various segments of Syrian society attended the Forum. “The national project proposed by the SDC is the only project that is considered a beacon of hope for all Syrians. It is a project that aims at the unity of Syria and meets the aspirations of all Syrian components through the intra-Syrian dialogue,” al-Mislat stated.

Also, al-Mislat praised the efforts made by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in overcoming challenges and working to combat the extremist ideology and drug trafficking, calling for a coordination and actual participation by all Syrians to overcome these obstacles.

He called for a peaceful democratic transition and the building of a new decentralized democratic Syria, considering the tribes as the safety for this country. Additionally, he emphasized that the tribes are capable to shape the future of Syria through the intra-Syrian dialogue.

Al-Mislat concluded his speech with a message of peace to the Arab states and allies to stand by Syria in the face of challenges, wishing a success for the National Unity Forum.

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