The Syrian Democratic Council

Message of Sympathy and Solidarity

With deep sadness and sorrow, the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) closely follows the news of the tragic incident that shook the city of Darkush in the western countryside of Idlib on Thursday afternoon. The incident led to the loss of innocent people, including children.

The plunging of the bus carrying dozens of children in the Orontes River and the tragic loss of these innocent people is a painful event and a heartbreaking tragedy. It serves as a stark reminder of the tragedies of war that Syrians have endured for over a decade.

In these painful moments, the SDC extends its heartfelt condolences and sincere sympathy to the families of the victims. We share in their grief and sorrow, praying that the Almighty grants the victims his mercy and bestows patience and solace upon their loved ones.

Despite the continuous suffering faced by the people of northwest Syria, they continue to courageously fight for liberation from occupation and terrorism. We, as the SDC, reaffirm our solidarity and full support for their struggle to establish a democratic political regime that safeguards their rights and dignity. We look forward to a day when safety and security return to our beloved country, Syria. May our people experience the blessings of peace, stability, and dignified living, far from the ravages of war, occupation, displacement, and extremism.

On June 7, 2024
Syrian Democratic Council


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