The Syrian Democratic Council
Suppressed cries demand exposing the authority's violations in northern countryside of Homs

Suppressed cries demand exposing the authority’s violations in northern countryside of Homs

By Sahar al-Homsi

Homs, Syria – One of the residents in the northern countryside of Homs describes the suffering of a lot of people in the Homs countryside sadly by saying “It is almost impossible to live a normal life. There are no necessities of life. The Syrian authority’s abuses turned our life into hell”.
Years ago, the Homs countryside witnessed a settlement agreement, and its inhabitants were displaced to northern Syria due to violations they faced by the authority and other group described as militias. These militias have infiltrated the Homs countryside and waged an undeclared war against the locals. They did not want to show the suffering of the locals in northern countryside of Homs.

The people of Homs governorate suffer from the deteriorating security situation, kidnappings, and extortion by the Security Apparatus, specifically the Military Security Apparatus. In this article, we will shed light on the request of the residents in the northern countryside of Homs to bring attention to their plight and expose it to the media. The inhabitants of the northern countryside of Homs face many crises. We will not discuss the economic and service-related aspects, but our focus will be on the inhabitants’ security suffering. Arbitrary security pursuits target those who remained in the northern countryside of Homs after witnessing settlements and displacement. The authority considered the inhabitants who remained as terrorists and were subjected to surveillance and restrictions.

Suffering of inhabitants in the northern countryside of Homs was shared with other inhabitants in areas that witnessed settlements, or what the authority termed “reconciliation”. That was obvious in regions like Daraa and the Eastern Ghouta in Rif Dimashq. However, what exacerbates the plight of civilians in the northern countryside of Homs is not only the security policies imposed by the authority but also the absence of a media platform. The Media that was supposed to convey inhabitants’ suffering and expose the forced displacement, security pursuits, and abductions they endure. Recently, areas such as al-Rastan and Talbiseh in the northern countryside of Homs have witnessed kidnapping operations targeting local residents, particularly those who participated in settlement agreements. Furthermore, the hardships faced by the locals are nearly daily occurrences. According to a local source from the city of al-Rastan, retaliatory actions have been taken against those who remained in al-Rastan, Talbiseh, and most areas of the northern countryside of Homs.

Suffering must be revealed to the Media

The previous source confirmed to us that at the end of settlement and displacement processes witnessed in the northern countryside of Homs in 2018, systematic revenge process began against the locals. Civilians suffer from extortion and threats of arrest in exchange for financial payments. According to the source, citizens are summoned to the Military Security Branch in Homs, where they are subjected to pressure to pay money in exchange for a safe return to their families.

“Furthermore, since 2018, we have been missing from the scene, and there is no media platform that truly conveys our suffering. Most outlets in Homs focus on reporting the Syrian regime’s news, corruption and political matters. Our plight remains overlooked by these outlets; despite the hardships we endure. Life has become unbearable under this vengeful authority and its security apparatus. Iranian militias have infiltrated the northern countryside of Homs under the pretext of fighting terrorism. These militias terrorize the locals through abductions and financial extortion,” the source said.

Slow death in northern countryside of Homs

The suffering endured by residents in the northern countryside of Homs can be described as a slow death. The authority targets every aspect of life. The multifaceted suffering includes not only security pursuits against the locals but also the broken promises following the authority called that country a liberated one from terrorism. Despite government visits the areas of the northern country of Homs and gives assurances to reform services and reconstruct the country, the reality in these areas is quite the opposite. All forms of livelihood are nearly nonexistent, especially with scarce employment opportunities. Poverty has affected over 97 percent of the population in the region. Meanwhile, certain individuals leverage their connections with authority figures to implement commercial projects, including drug and weapon smuggling to and from Lebanon.

Rafiq al-Homsi, a pseudonym, says that the residents of the northern countryside of Homs suffer from despair. When you ask anyone about their reality, they directly say that death is more merciful than the situation imposed upon us by the authority. This sense of despair permeates various areas in the northern countryside of Homs. Over the past years, we have suffered the oppressive control of security branches yet.

Al-Homsi told us that he witnessed numerous home raids, theft of belongings, and the looting of money and electrical appliances even chickens and livestock. These violations occur under the pretext that the locals continue to support their children and oppose the Syrian regime.

Residents demand the Media to convey their suffering to the international community

Many residents of northern countryside of Homs demand all media outlets to convey their suffering and voice to the international community and human rights organizations. The residents explicitly call for exposing the violations they face by the authority and its militias. Undoubtedly, the media is an effective tool. Therefore, the residents’ plight can be conveyed, and the reality of their situation can be clarified through it. This is especially crucial at this time, during which it is obvious that the regime will be overthrown. Several indicators, whether related to political movements on Syria or calls for implementing UN Resolution 2254, underscore the need to shed light on the suffering of the people in northern countryside of Homs.

Thus, it is evident from the above that the residents of northern countryside of Homs suffer from the practices of the authority and its security apparatus. Also, they suffer from the actions of Iranian-affiliated militias. According to reports by some residents in the cities of al-Rastan and Talbiseh, the daily suffering includes incidents of abduction, killing, and theft. Recently, there have also been cases of burning agricultural crops belonging to the locals. Despite all dire incidents, the ruling authority in Damascus continues to make fake promises and turn a blind eye to the genuine demands of Syrians. These demands include the departure of the oppressive regime and its repressive apparatus, as well as the withdrawal of Iranian militias that have exhausted Syria and its people.

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