By Mahmoud al-Mislat
Syrians are born twice: once into life and once through their hardships, because they embody the legacy of civilizations, history, and diverse cultures.
In contemporary history, significant wars and events have occurred. One of the main dimensions of history is attempting to understand the present through the past. The real history remains concealed until its protagonists are gone. What stories will be told about a country as significant as Syria?
As a result of there are no international agreements and clear solutions for Syria, the problems faced by Syrians intensify day by day. So, the intra-Syrian dialogue becomes an essential necessity for all Syrians, regardless of their components, backgrounds and beliefs.
In fact, we have no other options but the national dialogue. It is the only way to halt the war and conflicts, increase awareness, and achieve social peace. Therefore, it is an opportunity, not a concession.
The national dialogue represents strength and wisdom, not weakness. Regarding the Syrian issue, we often hear about conferences held by Syrians or those being prepared abroad. However, these meetings reflect the desire of all Syrians to discuss the Syrian situation and propose solutions to the crisis in a comprehensive national conference.
These initiatives are justified, necessary, and essential toward any solution for the Syrian crisis.
Any national conference that brings together Syrians whether political opponents or loyalists, from inside Syria or abroad is a positive step in the right direction. It revives the hearts of Syrians who have lost hope for any solutions or initiatives.
The participation of Syrians in the national dialogue represents strength and a national interest. Concessions and gains must be for the homeland. Efforts should be made toward a better future for all Syrians, and not based on personal interests.
Everyone seeks a democratic homeland because the genuine democratic experience has been absent in Syria for years. The Syrian people have made a lot of sacrifices in the pursuit of it. The democracy we believe in is a collective and profound action based on the concept of participation.
We cannot establish a democracy based solely on individualism, arguing that the community lacks awareness and understanding of democracy.
Freedom is the desire to be responsible for ourselves, our actions, and our choices. It is the right to find alternatives within legitimate concepts.
True freedom is the empowerment of individuals to live with dignity. It must be exercised within the framework of responsibility and respect for others.
Everyone yearns for a unified homeland, both in territory and people, free from external interventions. Such a nation safeguards the rights of all components and rejects violence in all its forms. We seek a nation based on laws through a constitution setting up by Syrians.
In the modern age, communication advancements and cultural exchange have fostered closer connections. On the other hand, this has also led to conflicts due to cultural and social differences. As Syrians, it is essential for us to promote the national dialogue, tolerance, and respect for human rights to ensure freedom in a homeland that has suffered many violations.
This homeland embodies the collective narrative of its people. History serves as a repository of knowledge in preserving Syrian’s stories for future generations.
So, what is our story? This story has been long and challenging. It has left Syrians as strangers in their own homeland. Our plight has become a global issue and difficult to be resolved.
That homeland was rich in civilizations, cultures, creativity, and excellence. The title of this article “Homeland for All” embodies the dream of all Syrians.
Let us start a new beginning titled “a homeland for all”.
Mahmoud Daham Abdulaziz al-Mislat
Co-chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council