The Syrian Democratic Council
Key recommendations emerge from a workshop on empowering women

Key recommendations emerge from a workshop on empowering women

The final day of the first workshop organized by the Women’s Association of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) concluded its activities on Tuesday at its office in Raqqa city. The workshop was a part of the national strategy for empowering and leadership Syrian women for years 2024-2025. It was under the slogan “Syrian Women Advocate Security and Guarantee for a New Syria”.

At the second day of the workshop’s activities, female leaders and administrators from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), women representatives from political parties and women’s organizations such as the Star Conference and the Zenobiya Women’s Gathering participated in the workshop. Also, women from civil society organizations and independent figures attended the workshop.

Layla Qaraman, Co-chairwoman of the SDC, moderated the second theme of the workshop under the title ” Syrian Women Face Challenges During Syrian Revolution”.

The participants in the workshop discussed the obstacles faced by women during the 13-year crisis in Syria. They highlighted problems and their impacts on women’s lives. Also, they underscored the role of women during the revolution and how they have faced the challenges they face in a society full of challenges and risks.

Additionally, they emphasized the significant achievements made by women, and the pioneering role they have played through their political participation, particularly in the AANES-held regions. They noted that women’s participation in political matters in Damascus-controlled areas is limited, while it is entirely absent in the Turkish-occupied territories. The reason behind this is the dominance of patriarchal ideology in all aspects of life in these regions.

The discussions also addressed the obstacles and challenges to women’s empowerment. Participants stressed the importance of training programs for women to prepare them for leadership roles and political participation in society. They also emphasized the importance of exchanging experiences among women participants. The aim is to achieve greater progress in empowering women and enhancing their role in building a better future for a new Syria.

Qaraman addressed the attacks and aggressions faced by Syrians in Turkey. She expressed her concern about the racism they are subjected to. She affirmed that this is due to the policies pursued by the Turkish authorities and their fueling of sectarianism against Syrians.

Also, she stated that the recent killings and injuries of Syrians in northwestern Syria are at the hands of the Turkish authorities. Additionally, she emphasized that Turkey has exploited a number of Syrians as mercenaries to advance its own interests in various parts of the world. Turkey has also blackmailed European countries by allowing refugees to cross borders from Turkey to Europe. Nowadays, Turkey makes statements about normalization of relations with the authority in Damascus. On the other hand, Turkey kills Syrians in cold blood to protect its interests.

Qaraman believed that holding this workshop is a significant achievement. It will facilitate the exchange of ideas. Also, it will enhance the role of women in building a better future for a new Syria.
She stressed that the workshop’s true value lies in its potential to shape the future by putting the recommendations into practice.

The workshop concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
• Empowering the capabilities of Syrian women is crucial to play their role in the political process.
• Raising awareness among women is important to identify weaknesses and address them.
• Emphasis on the importance of uniting the efforts of Syrian women is a vital matter to find solutions to the issue of women’s liberation.
• Economic empowerment of women and providing support for young women are essential.

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