The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement for the Public Opinion

In a move that has raised questions given the ongoing Syrian crisis, the authority in Damascus announced holding legislative elections on July 15, 2024. As a result, and believing in the national responsibility, the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) officially states its position on this matter and critical issues, which directly affect Syria’s future and the aspirations of its people.

We, as members of the SDC, declare our boycott of the scheduled legislative elections. Also, we urge the Syrian people and all national and democratic powers to refrain from participating in them. We emphasize that the comprehensive political solution, based on UN Security Council Resolution 2254, is the only way to overcome the Syrian crisis and fulfill the hopes of the Syrian people. We reaffirm the importance of the intra-Syrian dialogue as a fundamental pillar for a sustainable political solution that guarantees the interests of all Syrians.

In a related context, the SDC calls on the international community to exert an effective pressure on all parties to engage seriously in the political solution process and pave the way for a genuine political transition. We also call for the creation of the essential conditions that will make any political process credible.
These conditions include:
– The release of detainees.
– Ensuring the safe and voluntary return of refugees and IDPs to their original areas of residence.
– Ending all forms of repression and violations against civilians.
– Guaranteeing a free and unbiased environment for political activity and media coverage.
– Ending all forms of occupation of Syrian territory.

The SDC reiterates its unwavering commitment to working towards a unified and democratic Syria. Additionally, the SDC respects the diversity of communities and guarantees equal rights for all Syrian components, within a decentralized regime. We advocate for a regime that ensures a balanced development across all regions and a fair distribution of wealth and power among the Syrian people. Also, we extend a call to all Syrian national and democratic actors to unify their endeavors in the creation of a comprehensive national front. It is imperative that it effectively embodies the aspirations of the Syrian people and safeguards their legitimate rights.

The SDC reaffirms its full readiness to participate in serious initiatives. They aim at achieving a genuine political transition that leads to a democratic governance regime representing all components of the Syrian people.

As we announce this position, we reiterate our unwavering commitment to the Syrian people’s struggle for freedom, dignity, and justice. We also urge the international community to uphold the Syrian people’s right to determine their own future through a free and fair process.

On July 13, 2024
Syrian Democratic Council

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