The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement for the Public Opinion

On the eleventh anniversary of the Ghouta chemical massacre, we commemorate this humanitarian tragedy that remains etched in our collective memory. That massacre claimed the lives of over 1400 unarmed civilians in Eastern Ghouta, Rif Dimashq Governorate, including a large number of children and women. It resulted from the use of internationally banned sarin gas in a treacherous attack that ranks as one of the most heinous crimes in the 21st century.

On August 21, 2013, the world witnessed horrifying images of lifeless bodies. The attack was not merely an assault on a group of civilians, but it was considered an assault on humanity as a whole. It violated the values and principles that unite us as peoples striving for peace and justice.

The international community’s failure to deliver a desired justice for this heinous crime after eleven years is a disgrace. It has so far neglected to hold the perpetrators of this massacre accountable and to provide the necessary support to the casualties and their families. This constitutes a dangerous violation of international law and exacerbates the suffering and tragedy of the Syrian people.

We, as members of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), affirm our demands for independent, transparent and international investigations to hold all those involved in the use of chemical weapons against civilians accountable. We emphasize the importance of achieving justice for the casualties and their families. However, it also represents a crucial step towards ending the impunity that has fueled further crimes against the Syrian people.

We reiterate the need for enhanced international efforts to protect Syrian civilians from all forms of violence and abuse. We also seek a comprehensive political solution to the Syrian crisis based on the resolutions of international legitimacy, foremost among them Resolution 2254. Such a solution must fulfill the aspirations of the Syrian people for freedom and dignity. The international community has a moral imperative to put an end to the ongoing suffering of the Syrian people. It must create conditions for the dignified and safe return of refugees and IDPs to their homes.

The tragic memory of the Ghouta casualties, and countless others who lost their lives to these atrocities, compels us as Syrians to renounce our differences and unite for the interests of the Syrian people. Unity is the key way to ending these atrocities, holding perpetrators accountable, achieving justice, and ensuring a free, dignified, and safe life that the Syrian people deserve.

On August 21, 2024
Syrian Democratic Council

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