The joint president of the Syria Democratic Council , Riad Darrar, said that the series of dialogues and forums held recently by SDC, signifies the seriousness of the Syria Democratic Council to resolve Syrian crisis and to build the country on basis of democracy and decentralization.
The talk of the joint president of the Syria Democratic Council came in a dialogue with a local news network on Tuesday, May 28, about a number of public issues and recent developments in the region. Darrar pointed out in his speech that the Syria Democratic Council has enough political papers to put them in front of Syrian solution project and moving towards a new Syria.
He added that the success of Syrian-Syrian dialogues, in addition to success of clan gathering, is a proof of trust of the Syria Democratic Council, the Syria Democratic Forces and Self-Administration in themselves. And they can unite these powers in courses for benefit of Syrian-Syrian action.
In regard to current tendency of the Syria Democratic Council, Derar said:”There is a new work sought through meetings in workshops with Syrian opposition powers to convening of a national conference begins with holding of a comprehensive conference of democratic opposition, and we are working on right track to unite the opposition powers towards understandings for Syrian solution.”
As for international talks aimed to resolve Syrian crisis according to course of negotiated solution and dialogue, Darrar explained that the Syria Democratic Council sought to participate in any negotiations for final Syrian solution. He added that the problem is in the Syrian opposition and the regime, both parties consider themselves as the only legal representative of Syrian people, work according to a clear vision and foreign powers plan. Thus, they prevent participation of SDC and Self-Administration.
Darrar said :”We are now trying to guide the compass in a new direction. This opposition can be aware of itself, and there will be new understandings, so that the negotiating body can change into a new form in which we can be a part.”
As for allegations that SDC is working to consolidate the division, he said: “We work on unity of Syria, and our goal is to keep Syria a unified state for all its citizens but with a new democratic system, and all spectrums and components of this country should be recognized of in next constitution.”
About developments in the city of Deir al-Zour, the joint president of SDC said:”The protests in areas of Deir al-Zour are motivated, and they are also a rush towards unknown.
Those who have come out to express an attitude, may be a demand for a right, but it is not in its time and place. It is an exploitation of spirit of democracy that exists in the force that liberated the region from ISIS. It is an irresponsible rush to raise mixed demands. If they walked in right way, they will find right answers, but raising offensive slogans according to ill-considered trends, is a path in course of sedition which would not be allowed.
The joint president of the Syria Democratic Council , Riad Darrar, concluded his talk about the future of SDC project and possibility of resolving Syrian crisis saying: “The project of democratic decentralization and self-administrations for all Syria is a project that will be successful for final Syrian solution, and that the success achieved by Self-Administration in northern and eastern Syria is a useful experience for all Syrians.”