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A statement to the public opinion about the terrorist bombing in Manba

Once again, the ISIS ,the terrorist organization, has revealed its intentions in a cowardly terrorist operation that targeted the safe and secure city of Manbeg since it was liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces on August 12, 2016. Since liberation, this city was managed through its entities in a democratic civil model that has proved its actual experience of its success ,security and stability in it.
Our partnership and the Arab International Alliance achieved impressive results throughout the east of the Euphrates, and this partnership can not afford to stop or make an emergency amendment but to expand the alliance and to ask Moscow and the authority in Damascus to end these organizations in the whole of north of Syria from the west of the Euphrates.
We have always been aware that the end of terrorist organizations is a national Syrian mission and at the same time it is ensuring the security of the region ,the world and with the achievement of total elimination of terrorism, there are opportunities to achieve a serious breach of the Syrian crisis and solve it according to its political path.
We are in the Syrian Democratic Council, at a time when we condemn in the strongest terms the cowardly terrorist bombing that killed civilians from Manbaj ,military personnel of the Syrian Democratic Forces and from the partners of the International Coalition who were carrying out their daily tasks. We affirm that our determination to eradicate all existence of ISIS , any terrorist organization and associated groups is one of our Syrian national priorities and it is from the heart of our democratic project. We intend to proceed with this until the final drying up of all sources of material, financial and intellectual support that these terrorist groups receive.
We extend our condolences to the people of Syria , all the families of the victims ,martyrs, both civilian and military. And we extend our condolences to the American people ,the families of the martyrs of the fighters and we pledge to follow their tasks in ending Al-Qaeda terrorist in Syria. We also ask for the speedy recovery of the wounded

 January17 /2019
The Syrian Democratic Council
