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The joint president of the Syrian Democratic Council, Amina Omar, called the international community to protect the peoples of the region by establishing a safe area protected from theTurkish attacks under international patronage through the deployment of special international forces.

The speech of the joint president of the Syrian Democratic Council “Amina Omar” came today, 17/1/2019, in the city of Qamishlou / Qamishli during the occasion of an exhibition of photos organized by the Women’s Office of the Syrian Democratic Council to present the violations committed by the Turkish state in Afrin region.

“The Turkish state is trying to complete its occupation of the northern Syrian territory,” she said. “Turkey’s efforts have not been fruitful in the occupation of the eastern Euphrates areas, despite its constant threats to try to occupy it under the banner of the” safe zone. ”

“The Turkish state tried to strike the democratic experiment, which represents a beautiful mosaic of all entities , so it turned to cowardly acts such as the terrorist bombing that targeted an international coalition patrol in Munbaj city, that led to the deaths of many civilians and soldiers ”

“We are committed to protecting the achievements of our people, who have sacrificed so much and fought terrorist organizations over the years,” she said.
We call upon the international community to make this day a day of solidarity with Afrin, which was safe and stable and was occupied by the Turkish state which devastated it.

It is worth mentioning that the exhibition organized by the Women’s Office of the Syrian Democratic Council and was attended by many women and civil society organizations and many speeches were delivered , all of which condemned the practices of the Turkish state, and called for the international community to end the occupation and not just be silent .
The exhibition is scheduled to be presented in several locations in northern and eastern Syria.

Media Office of the Syrian Democratic Council



