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one year after the resistance of the era in Afrin, still we insist on its liberation. A complete year had passed when the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries began aggression on Afrin. After that , the occupation occurred followed by heroic resistance by the units of protection of people and women and the people of Afrin for 58 days deserved to be the resistance of the era . Not only because of the enormous difference between the two sides; between the invading army and the resistant people; whether in terms of numbers or weapons , but because of the scene of the championship and the resistance declared by the people as an option and principle under international silence and collusion through which every one was responsible for the Turkish occupation to Afrin in one way or another.

All attempts by Ankara’s tyrannical regime and its mercenaries failed, either by applying the siege on it since the beginning of the Syrian crisis or by directing the armed groups to it, and by leading various forms of terrorism in all its forms. Afrin didn’t surrender but has chosen a path to achieve its democratic destiny by belonging to Syria.Afrin with her sisters Kubani and Al Jazeera, have announced their democratic civil administration since January 2014, thus becoming the model of a secure and stable city managed by its daughters and sons. Half a million Syrians from various regions of Syria; were locally displaced and believed that Afrin chose the will of living together and brotherhood of peoples and the unity of their destiny.

This is certainly the most troubling fo the Turkish tyrannical regime and its mercenary groups and terrorist organizations, which have nothing but have the culture of banditry, mercenaryism and the black stick to achieve occupation and expansionist plans.

We in the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) are at a time when we salute the resistance of the era of the people of Afrin and bend in from of the championships that have become an inspiration and hope of the oppressed peoples to win their freedom like the martyr “Avesta Khabur, Barin Kobani” and the martyr “Karker” and all other martyrs who were more than one thousand including civilians and soldiers . We call for insistence and cohesion with the resistance which entered its second stage since the occupation of Turkey and its mercenaries to Afrin which we demand its return within the scene of 19 January 2018, the day before the aggression and then the occupation, the return of safe and stable Afrin which are managed according to its democratic model which considered and is still the best solution for the the Syrian crisis. We also salute the helping forces following the Syrian army, which participated with the units of protection of the people and women on the 33rd day of the resistance defending Afrin as part of the Syrian geography, it is no different from Horan, Damascus and Qamshlu. We salute all their martyrs, martyrs of resistance and freedom.

We also call all our Syrian people from all their social entities to go to the camps of Shahba to see hard conditions in the camps which were built by local self-support, making a decision to stay until their return to their olives , soil and water in a safe and dignified manner. we demand all Syrians to demonstrate condemning the Turkish occupation and its crimes committed by its mercenaries in Afrin and its history , land , culture and identity.

We also call all friends of the Syran people, Afrin, supporters of freedom, powers , parties and secular national democratic figures in the Middle East and the world to stand by Afrin, and take the 20th of January, as the International Day of solidarity with Afrin, demanding the United Nations, the Security Council, human rights organizations, international amnesty and civil society organizations to point to crimes committed in Afrin and condemning those who shared in them .
we stress at the same time that our determination and our insistence on the liberation of Afrin has become a priority and one of the basic solutions in Syria .

19 January 2019
Syria Democratic Council
