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The head of the Executive Body of the Syria Democratic Council, Ilham Ahmed, stressed the need for the participation of all Syrian parties in the political process through its political course in Geneva, and that the success of the talks depends on the participation of representatives from the north and east of Syria.
The speech of the head of Executive Body “Ilham Ahmed,” came during a hosting seminar at the “International Press Club” NPC “organized by the Center of American-Rojava for Democracy in Washington DC,on Monday “2/2/2019.
“Ilham Ahmed” spoke in the dialogue session, which was under the title “after the defeat of ISIS ! The Syrian North is at the Crossroads ” about the sacrifices provided by Syria Democratic Forces in order to defeat the global terrorist organization” ISIS ”
She pointed out that Syria Democratic Forces ” SDF ” fought the terrorist organization on behalf of the world and did much to preserve the civil peace, security and stability in the liberated areas from ISIS and helped local people to manage themselves through local and civilian councils.
She called on the international community and the active countries to support the Syria Democratic Forces that fought on their behalf and to involve the Syrian Democratic Council in any negotiated solution to end the suffering of the Syrian people and their right to reach a decentralized democratic Syria.
She also talked about the reasons which led to complexity of the Syrian crisis and said that the Turkish state has played a negative role during eight years through its interventions and implementation of its agenda in the occupation of more Syrian territory.
The head of the Executive Body “Ilham Ahmed” pointed out that the occupation of Afrin by the Turkish state and committing crimes against civilians in the region like kidnapping, killing and rape of women and changing the demography in Afrin are clear indications of the intentions of the Turkish state and its attempts to replicate the experience in Eastern Euphrates.
“Ilham Ahmed” concluded her talk about the model applied by the Syrian Democratic Council in the north and east of Syria and confirmed that their project for the whole of Syria will be a decentralized democracy for all Syrians.
It is worth mentioning that the head of the Executive Body “Ilham Ahmed” is on a visit to the United States for two weeks ago, during which she met with officials from the White House and members of the US Congress to discuss the repercussions of the decision of US President “Donald Trump” to withdraw his troops from Syria.

Media Office of the Syria Democratic Council
