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Without the liberation of Afrin, we can not talk about resolving the Syrian crisis and the beginning of the new Syrian era

A complete year had passed since the occupation of Turkey and its mercenaries of Afrin
The occupation took place four years after the establishment of a self-democratic civil administration including the Afrin constituents

This administration proved its success and turned into a safe haven for all Syrians from different regions with their various affiliations. They were living in peace and a secure life despite of the state of siege that was imposed on them, many cases of attack and aggression by armed groups who are related to the Syrian opposition

Afrin people, its civilian administration and its military forces like ( YPK & YPJ) did not accept to hand over the city to the Turkish regime
At the same time, they did not allow themselves to be involved in the reproduction of the tyranny centralized system

The Executive Council of the Self-Administration in Afrin, called the authority in Damascus to assume its responsibilities and deal with the Turkish occupation as an affair related to sovereignty ,resistance and joint defense of the Syrian geography

The decision of the people, society and administration in Afrin to resist the Turkish occupation was a historic decision that lasted for 58 days in which Ankara used all kinds of heavy weapons and the use of internationally prohibited weapons

The decision of resistance and abiding by it occurred despite of granting Ankara the green light to invasion, the silence of the international community and collusion with the occupation forces

The double standards had shown that international community was taking care of civilians in Idlib while avoiding them in Afrin.These civilians had suffered from disasters like, killing, displacing, dispossessing their property and taking over of strangers on it

Afrin resisted and offered more than 1,000 martyrs
The resistance has continued to this moment and caused great losses to
Turkish occupation forces and its terrorist mercenaries, and it will not calm down until the liberation and the return of its people to their land and their olive trees. Besides, judging
the killers and perpetrators of all crimes against Afrin like the destruction of the temples, dispensaries, and the robbery of property to the crimes of occupation and the demographic change that is imposed on people, history and geography of Afrin as a Syrian city with a Kurdish identity

We in the Syrian Democratic Council “SDC” salute Era Resistance in Afrin, condemning and denouncing in the strongest terms the crimes of the Turkish occupation against Afrin for a whole year

We affirm that without the liberation of Afrin and its return to the scene of January 19, 2018, the day before the cowardly Turkish attack, and without ending the Turkish occupation of other Syrian regions, it is not even possible to talk about a sustainable solution to the Syrian crisis. In this regard, the United Nations, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Human Rights Organization, all organizations and civil society institutions in Syria, the Middle East and the world, and all those concerned with resolving the Syrian crisis, are called upon to take their responsibilities towards the sufferings of all Syrian people, particularly in Afrin
And quick steps should be taken to end the Turkish occupation and to judge perpetrators of crimes and bring them to justice as war criminals against humanity

We reaffirm once again that the issue of the liberation of Afrin is one of our most important national constants towards resolving the Syrian crisis according to the course of the political solution, we do not deviate from it, its liberationis is inevitable whether time is short or long

long live free Syria
Long live Afrin resistance

17 March 2019
