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On Sunday, 31st March, a delegation from the Syria Democratic Council participated in the new Babylonian-Assyrian Year celebration of “Eid Al-Akito” in Al- Hasakeh

On the invitation of the Syriac Cultural Association, a delegation from the Syrian Democratic Council attended the celebrations of “Al-Akito Eid” in Al Hasakeh.The delegation included
the Co-President, Riyad Derar, and the two Vice-Presidency, Majdolin Hassan and Gabreil Shamoun. And a member of the Public Relations Office, Assad Al-Bashir
The celebration was also attended by many civil institutions, community and religious activities and representatives of Self-Administration in north and east of Syria, as well as a number of political parties
During the meeting, many speeches were given, they congratulated Eid Al- Akito to all the peoples of the region with all their affiliations and called for peace and friendship among peoples
The Co-President of the Syria Democratic Council, “Riyad Derar,” gave a speech congratulating the peoples of the region on occasion of Eid Al- Akito
He continued
In this region, we are drawing a new life for Syria that is based on brotherhood of the peoples and true mutual recognition of rights of every constituent whether it is small or big

The Co- President of “SDC”, during his speech referred to the concept of the Democratic Nation which means the coexistence of peoples and their cultural participation

“We seek the concept of Democratic Nation, it is a concept of cultural coexistence which means that everyone lives in a common culture without inequality or superiority”

Darrar,” concluded his speech by saying: We can start again because we are open-minded to everyone until we reach to principles of true freedom and establishment of a State with vigor and strength of its sons who expelled terrorism by virtue of their sacrifices and their pure blood
The celebration ended its activities by presenting folkloric dances and traditional songs

Media Office of the Syria Democratic Council
