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Under slogan of “The Syrian Tribes Protect Syrian Society and its Social Contract”, we as clans and dignitaries of the Syrian society gathered with the participation of civil society organizations and various community activities upon an invitation of the Syria Democratic Council
At the beginning, we pay tribute to the martyrs of Syria ,and in light of our enhanced role for civil peace and social security of Syria, and because of our role as one of the most important components of Syrian society and as custodians of culture of diversity and values, we appreciate the great victories achieved by Syria Democratic Forces against terrorism which does not belong to history of Syria , its present and future, praising great sacrifices made by various Syrian components to end the Black State – ISIS geographically and militarily, realizing at the same time, continuation of danger of terrorism and its threat to all, whether in form of sleeping cells or individual wolves located in areas that had been occupied by ISIS. It is our duty to continue our responsibilities towards civil peace, to support SDF and internal security forces to combat sleeping cells in order to root out the sources of terrorism. We believe that it is necessary to support our civil and self-administrations until final elimination of terrorism, consolidation of stability and a democratic solution to Syrian crisis in which our country will regain its proper role.
We emphasize that the developments of the Syrian crisis, the general crises in the Middle East and in the world are leading to dangerous situations in light of wrong approach practiced by those who interfere in Syrian affairs and by the central authority in Damascus regarding Syrian society, its real powers and general community activities , including Syrian tribes . In this regard, the Syrian authorities have come close to, since the establishment of modern Syria especially in recent times, a vision that is contrary to reality of the tribes as one of the most important pillars of Syrian society to contribute in protection and revitalization of the society. Today, such tribes can prove to all that they are able to play its natural role as a real force in promoting civil peace, preserving of brotherhood of peoples, unity of their destiny and in making a qualitative leap towards sustainable development in light of gains made in northern and eastern Syria, believing and realizing that there is no alternative for a political solution to Syrian crisis and the military decision leads to more destruction. We believe that the tribes can play an important role in consolidating social relationship, blood ties and brotherhood among Syrian society. They are capable of achieving security and peace by renouncing tribal conflicts, prohibiting shedding of Syrian blood by Syrian hand, protecting land and standing united against all external and internal attacks which our country is exposed to

Based on that
:We confirm 
– The unity of Syrian land, its people, its independence, non-relinquishment of any part of its territory and the right of Syrian people to regain all occupied territories (Afrin, Jarablis, Aazaz, Al-Bab and Golan) through available and legitimate means
– Realizing the shared responsibility to resolve Syrian crisis and spreading peace in Syria
– Trying as quickly as possible to get rid of effects of armed conflict and creating conditions of life for people of Syria on basis of coexistence and brotherhood of peoples
– Determination on establishing a new Syria for all its people including all constituents in the light of a decentralized state and a stable political democratic system.
– Asserting on a Syrian democratic consensual constitution that represents all Syrian social powers and activities .
– Determination to continue combating terrorism and drying up its intellectual, financial and material resources. Bringing perpetrators and contributors who committed crimes against humanity to war crime courts in accordance with law of terrorism in force
– Continuation of supporting Syria Democratic Forces in their fight against terrorism as an essential part of Syrian solution
– Supporting self and civil administrations in North and East of Syria
– Uniting our forces to achieve democratic change and stable development in Syria
– Believing in values ​​of democracy, rights and freedom of man and citizen
– Rejecting any discrimination on basis of nationality, religion and gender
Syrian blood by Syrian hand is forbidden . Our hands are stretched out for peace and our guns are aimed only at those who like to destroy our security, our peace, our common life and brotherhood of Syrian societal constituents
– Safe return for all displaced Syrians and those who have been outside the country in a previous period before or during the crisis
– Calling upon International Community, United Nations and UN Security Council to remove Turkish partition wall in Afrin, ending its occupation to the city and returning its inhabitants to their homes
– The International Community bears its responsibility and its rapid movement for reconstruction in areas liberated from terrorism and urgently those which are in the east of the Euphrates
3 May, 2019
Town of Ein Issa
Syrian Tribes Forum
