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On Friday ,May 3, the Syrian Clans met upon the invitation of SDC to attend the Syrian Clans Forum in Ein-Issa town under the slogan “Syrian Clans protect the Syrian society and its social contract”
In the presence of thousands of representatives of the clans from majority of the Syrian regions to put end to the differences and consolidate the unity of the Syrian class. Thousands of Arab and Kurdish Clans Sheikhs and the rest of the Syrian constituents in addition to civil society organizations and various community activities from all Syrian regions went to Ein-Issa town
During their speeches, the Clans Sheikhs stressed on the need for cooperation, renouncing tribal conflicts and building bridges of brotherhood to prevent sedition and thwart plans which aim to hit the unity of the Syrian constituents. At the same time, They also stressed the need for cooperating and supporting the Syria Democratic Forces who liberated large areas of Syrian territories from the abomination of terrorism ,which is the most dangerous terrorist organization, by virtue of the Syrian constituents sacrifices who are in the Syria Democratic Forces to ensure security and stability of the liberated regions and to return life to its natural role
In the same context, Syrian tribes that participated in the forum stressed the preservation of the experience of Self-Administration in the regions of north and east of Syria. They stressed at the same time the need for continuing the Syrian-Syrian dialogues headed by the Syria Democratic Council ,consolidating the negotiating course and reaching Syria to safety
In the same context , the Syrian Clans that participated in the Forum stressed on preserving the Self-Administration experience in the regions of north and east of Syria and stressed at the same time the need to continue Syrian-Syrian dialogues headed by SDC and support the negotiating course to get Syria to safety
During the forum, many speeches were given by Sheikhs and Clans Dignitaries of the Syrian Clans: Hajm As’ad Al-Bashir the sheikh of Al-Bagara clan , Hwaydi Al-Shalash sheikh of Al-Afadela clan, Hamoud Al-Nofal Sheikh of al-Ageidat clan, Abdel-Rahman Al-Rashid sheikh of Al-Jawala clan( Al-Tay tribe), Hamed Abdel-Rahman Al-Faraj Sheikh of Al-Welda clan, Hussein Al-Rashed Sheikh of Al-Bokhmis clan, Ahmad Al-kno sheihk of Al-Borjb clan, Saleh Muslim in the name of AL- Barazya clans in Kubani, As’ad Al-Bashir speaking on behalf of the Turkmen constituent ,Nayef Al-deef sheikh of Al-Jees clan ,Teysser Al-Afad sheikh of Al-Mehed clan( Al-Anza tribe), Karim Al-Zaiter Sheikh of Azir al-Ajeel , Abdel-Qadir Mohammad-Ali on behalf of the Kurdish clans councils in Aljzeera , Farhan Al-Aomala sheikh of Al-Wahab clan( Alshamer tribe), Faysel Al-Kasha sheikh of Al-Mojadama clan , Ibrahim Al-Issa sheikh of Hanada clan, Abid Khalaf Al-Assaf Sheikh of Al- Boasaf clan, Farouq Almashi Sheikh of Al-Bobna clan ,Ibrahim Shlash Sheikh of Bani-Said clan, Abd Al-Razaq Al-Hasan Sheikh of Al-Damalkha clan, Mohammed Al-Hilo Sheikh of Al-A’adwan clan, Hilo Abeid Al-Khalil Sheikh of Al-Harb clan , Faisal Al-Salem Sheikh of Al-MaJadema clan, Akrem-Mahshosh sheikh of Al-Jabour tribe, Ali Saleh Al-Mousa, Sheikh of Khawatne clan, Abdel-Rahman Al-Rashed sheikh of A-Jawal clan, Fewaz Al-Bed sheikh of Al-Sakhena clan, Ragheb Bashir Zabid Sheikh of Zubaid clan, Fahed Mohammed Al-Obeid Sheikh and dignitary of Sharabiya clan and Haj Walid representative of Afrin and Al-Shahba clans
The Forum concluded its activities by issuing a final declaration on behalf of the Syrian Clans Forum, where the forum paid tribute to the sacrifices of the Syria Democratic Forces in order to liberate and protect the Syrian territories and preserve the unity and integrity of Syrian land and people .The final declaration based on
– The unity of Syrian land, its people , its independence , non-relinquishment of any part of its territory and the right of the Syrian people to regain all the occupied territories (Afrin, Jarablis, Aazaz, Al- Bab and Golan) through the available and legitimate means
– Realizing the shared responsibility to resolve the Syrian crisis and spreading peace in Syria
– Trying as quickly as possible to get rid of effects of armed conflict and creating conditions of life for people of Syria on basis of coexistence and brotherhood of peoples
– Determination on establishing a new Syria for all its people including all its constituents in the light of a decentralized state and a stable political democratic system
 Asserting on a Syrian democratic and consensual constitution that represents all Syrian social powers and activities
 Determination to continue combating terrorism and drying up its intellectual, financial and material resources and. Bringing perpetrators and contributors who committed crimes against humanity to war crime courts in accordance with the law of terrorism in force
 Continuation of supporting Syria Democratic Forces in their fight against terrorism and as an essential part of the Syrian solution
 Supporting self and civil administrations in North and East of Syria
 Uniting our forces to achieve democratic change and stable development in Syria
 Believing in the values of democracy ,the rights and freedom of man and citizen
 Rejecting any discrimination on the basis of nationality, religion and gende
Syrian blood by Syrian hand is forbidden . Our hands are stretched out for peace and our guns are aimed only at those who like to destroy our security, our peace, our common life and the brotherhood of the Syrian societal constituents
– Safe return for all displaced Syrians and those who have been outside the country in a previous period before or during the crisis
– Calling upon the international community, the United Nations and the UN Security Council to remove the Turkish partition wall in Afrin, ending its occupation to the city and returning its inhabitants to their homes
– The international community bears its responsibility and its rapid movement for reconstruction in areas liberated from terrorism and urgently those which are in the east of the Euphrates

Media Office of the Syria Democratic Council

3,May, 2019
