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Despite the attempts to form a front that works to abuse and intimidate dignitaries, and to direct warning messages to them to discourage them from participating by moving tools of the authority to some people who are marginalized in their communities in which they claim to be their represntatives as a result of their disability to bear historical responsibilities that are imposed by circumstances and nature of the stage, in addition to their accusing falsely of the Syria Democratic Forces by this form, is nothing but an expression of their bankruptcy. And in the same context, these statements are issued by official bodies in Syrian government by issuing arrogant phrases and slogans because they did not expect the success achieved by ” The number of dignitaries participating in Ein Issa forum which exceeded more than five thousand attendees, reflecting their support and loyalty to Syrian Democratic Forces which have made all sacrifices to protect this society, its cohesion and respect for all its components.
The size of this participation reflects great national and societal awareness in Syrian society. It also clarifies boundaries between those who wish to achieve their freedom on one hand, and those who do not desire more tha a desire to dominate on the other hand. In this case, we must appreciate tribesmen who attended this forum where no one can offer more than them. We also call upon all responsible individuals who share us different points of views, to shoulder burdens of the stage, to accept dialogue, to build bridges of communication and to establish sustainable solutions to Syrian crisis.
The first thing that brings us together, is the pain that we have learned from, and all that have been achieved so far come out from nature of the needs of this community and its eager for freedom and living in dignity in Syria where social balance is achieved through achievement of fair and final formulas that regulate relationship between the dualism of “freedom and authority.”

Amjad Othman
Official Spokesman for Syria Democratic Council
4 May, 2019
