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After the impressive and intense presence that exceeded expectations at the Syrian clans meeting held on 3 May in the town of Ein Issa / Rural areas of Raqqa / upon an invitation and patronage of the Syria Democratic Council, where the number of attendees from Syrian clans and community activities exceeded five thousands, The Syria Democratic Council prepares to hold more meetings and constructive community dialogues
On 7 May, the Presidential Council of the Syria Democratic Council held a regular meeting in the town of Darbasiya / Al-Hasakeh, in the presence of the majority of the members of the Presidential Council to discuss recent developments and evaluate work and activities of the Council. In addition to reviewing stratigies, periodical plans and the Council attitudes towards different issues
Amina Omar, the co-chair of the Syria Democratic Council, started the meeting by welcoming and reading the agenda of the meeting. She mentioned the most prominent political stations and different positions of the Council during the last month
After the joint president, Amina Omar, discussed the overall political events that opened door for discussion by the members of the Presidential Council, where all interventions focused on the importance of the stage and the role that can be played by the Council on the Syrian and international arena
In the same context, the President of the Executive Body, Ilham Ahmed, presented the meetings held by the delegation of representatives of North and East of Syria in France upon an invitation of the French presidency, where Ahmed said that the meeting was positive
The head of the Executive Body, Ilham Ahmed, noted that the presence of meetings and communications with international parties and influential international officials in Syrian file, adding that these parties are pressing for participation of the Syria Democratic Council in international meetings and course of Syrian solution in accordance with international resolutions
As for the last statement read by the lawyers of the commander, Abdullah Ocalan, Ahmad said
” The statement reflects what we have done and the flexibility we have shown in all files. She added that the Syria Democratic Council has been and still carefull on dialogue to resolve all problems away from military solutions whether with Turkish state or internal parties
On the other hand, the joint chairman of the Syria Democratic Council, Riad Darrar, called during the meeting to further community communication and participation, inviting all social formations to bear their historical responsibilities
In a related context, Darrar called Self-Management to provide more services and development projects that help people and support local economy
Darrar also referred to North Syrian file and the escalation that it witnessed, particularly in Idlib. He considered that these operations undermine the course of solution and are agaist what resulted from the meetings of Astana, stressing at the time on political solution through dialogue and negotiation in accordance with international resolutions
The members of the Presidential Council agreed on the success of the Syrian Tribes Forum which was organized and invited by the Syria Democratic Council. This success proved by the size of large attendees, local and international responses, whether negatively or positively. They also called for continuation of meetings and dialogues in preparation for holding a comprehensive Syrian national conference
The meeting concluded its work by reading a report on work of the Self-Management of North and East of Syria by the Joint Presidency of the Executive Council, Abed Hamed Al-Mehbash and Perivan Khalid. The meeting also discussed requests from several independent personalities to join the Syria Democratic Council and the approval on them after studying their careers

Media Office of the Syria Democratic Council
7 May 2019

