The Syrian Democratic Council

A Joint Dialogue Seminar Between the SDC and the Construction and Development Party in “Tal Kojer”

The Relations Bureau of the Syrian Democratic Council, in coordination with the Construction and Development Party in Syria, organized a dialogue seminar on the political developments in the Syrian arena. The event took place in the town of Tal Kojer, located in the far northeast of Syria near the Syrian-Iraqi border, and was attended by intellectuals, activists, members of the Construction and Development Party in Syria, and individuals interested in public affairs.

Darya Ramadan, a member of the Relations Bureau of the Syrian Democratic Council, spoke about the ongoing developments in the Syrian arena, the paths for a political resolution, and the council’s stance on the matter.
She pointed out the steps taken by Arab countries regarding the authorities in Damascus and their implications on the political settlement process. She emphasized that any effort on this process should be oriented towards resolving the Syrian crisis and complying with UN Resolution 2254.

Abdulrahman Al-Hadi, a member of the Relations Bureau of the Construction and Development Party, presented the consensus document between the Syrian Democratic Council and the National Coordination Body and its five provisions. He highlighted the importance of this step in forming a democratic front that strives to achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people.

The attendees supported these initiatives, which aim to find a way out of the country’s crisis. The civil activist and journalist, Jabir Ahmed, believed that the document is significant but it should be expanded to include other issues of concern to Syrians, such as the return of refugees and displaced people to their original areas and finding a comprehensive resolution for the Syrian crisis.

Nawaf Al-Khadhan, the director of Tal Kojer district, called for the expansion of the intra-Syrian dialogue talks led by the SDC and for Syrians to take the initiative in resolving the crisis, without relying too much on foreign powers involved in the Syrian file. He emphasized that these powers might prioritize their own interests, which may not align with the cause and rights of the Syrian people.

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