The Syrian Democratic Council
Tribes of the Syria's central region praise conceptions of the SDC's national role

Tribes of the Syria’s central region praise conceptions of the SDC’s national role

Tribal leaders and notables of the central region of Syria praised on Thursday the conceptions of the national course led by the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) to resolve the Syrian crisis. That was during an official visit to the SDC’s office in Raqqa.

The visiting delegation included Sheikh Amir Basha al-Basha, Leader of al-Mawali Tribe, Sheikh Radwan al-Shibli, Leader of al-Kharashin Tribe, Sheikh Nayef, and the lawyer Ahmad al-Dasher, a member of the SDC’s General Council.

Jihan Khedro, Head of the SDC’s Women’s Office, Layla Rashid, a member of the SDC’s Presidential Body, Daniya Ramadan, a member of the SDC’s Relations Office, and Hashim Muhammad, a member of the SDC’s Youth Office, received the delegation.

During the visit, all of them emphasized the importance of the second Forum of the National Unity for Syrian Tribes and Components, which was recently held in Hasakah, as a national step towards the unity of Syrians. They noted the success achieved by this forum in terms of figures, speeches, and outcomes.

At the conclusion of the visit, both sides emphasized their commitment to the cohesion of the Syrian fabric and its unity despite the political division. Also, they underscored the right of Syrian refugees and IDPs to return to their original areas.

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