The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement for the Public Opinion

Syrians consistently reiterate their unwavering commitment to a revolution that upholds dignity and freedom. This dedication stems from their deep understanding of their shared destiny and the common goals they strive to achieve.

Protesters’ slogans in Suwayda, Idlib, and Turkish-occupied areas echo with the same aspirations and demands.

We, as members of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), salute the steadfastness and uprising of Syrians everywhere. We consider their legitimate goals and demands to be guiding principles for our struggle and political actions.

We believe that neglecting the rights and aspirations of the Syrian people in any resolution to the Syrian crisis will ultimately render it unsuccessful in every way.

Turkey attempts to normalize relations with Damascus, disregarding the aspirations and sacrifices of the Syrian people, and it uses some Syrians to work for its agendas. All Turkey’s efforts underscore that the Syrians’ salvation lies in unity, cooperation, and overcoming their differences for a unified Syrian national project.

We affirm that the Syrian people are the bedrock of our political endeavors. Their yearning for freedom and dignity shapes our positions and actions. We reiterate our unwavering support for all Syrian uprisings against injustice, oppression, and racism.

Concurrently, we call upon all Syrian political actors to assume their responsibility towards the fate of our people and country. We emphasize our readiness to engage in a national dialogue. It is the pathway to overcoming our tragedies and ensuring the Syrian people’s vision as the cornerstone of any solution-oriented project on the international stage.

In this context, we reaffirm the resolutions of the SDC’s Fourth Conference and its slogan “Unity of Syrians is a Basis for Solution”. We reiterate that we are open to engage in a national dialogue with all Syrian national parties, as our top priority and a critical step towards a better future.

The recent events in northern Syria and refugee-hosting countries offer a stark reminder that Syrians must rely on their own resilience and unity to overcome challenges.

The Syrian people must hold the sole responsibility for shaping their own destiny. True strength lies in unifying all Syrians, regardless of background. Syria is an indivisible homeland for all its citizens. We extend a warm welcome to every Syrian seeking stability and safety.

Furthermore, we embrace all political powers committed to securing Syria’s independence. Also, we urgently call upon all Syrians, especially political actors, to convene a comprehensive national conference to lay the foundations for a free and democratic Syria.

Glory to the Great Syrian People
Freedom and Independence for Syria

Syrian Democratic Council
On July 2, 2024

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