Ain Issa 2 and Asstana 11
Sihanok Debo
On 18/19 current July a concerned committee about Ain Issa first meeting which was held under the slogan of the Syrian- Syrian meeting which was attended by 70 of powers, parties and the Syrian secular democratic personalities upon an invitation and patronage of the Syria Democratic Council (SDC). One of the results of this meeting was forming a concerned committee to prepare for holding a second meeting with different powers, parties and Syrian personalities. Accordingly, it was to hold a second meeting -for more than a month- on 28/ 29 Nov. of the current year. An invitation was sent to those who were communicated to attend meeting activities which will be held during two days and the following points will be discussed : the humanitarian affair, the form of governance in the political system for future Syria , economy issue, the constitution, the woman issue and finally the mechanism of uniting the Syrian opposition and its role in holding the general national conference to resolve the Syrian crisis.
At the same date – without coincidence- and actually there is no coincidence in the history- a new meeting in Asstana is held with a round number 11 , but in fact it is 12. So, This round will be attended by the three guaranteeing states ( Iran, Turkey and Russia ) and two parties as observers from Jordan and UN . There is no need to say what the observer mean. What is also mentioned that this round will not discuss the Constitutional Committee.
It seems that the guarantors have realized finally that constitution committee will not be formulated by them through Assatana course which was originally made to be the alternative to Geneva in spite of that the guarantors showed ,especially Moscow, the opposite. Concurrently , all these have come with pronouncements of Mr. Bachar Al- Jaafari who showed deadlock in the file of constitutional committee, arguing that this file is a sovereign one. In fact , the man did not utter of fancy, but by inspire which was given by Moscow, Tehran and even Ankara . Actually, Syrian future is unknown as long as its geography, land and sovereignty are penetrated. This round has come with a great relationship and the file of Idlib is very complicated, once again under the pretext of the humanitarian issue in the city and under the very false pretext that Ankara is unable to withstand the flow of millions of new people from Idlib. The facts have shown during the recent pronouncements that Ankara has benefited financially more than anybody else from the Syrian refugees and it is the one who extorts the others politically especially Europe. Ankara opened a hole and exploited it to its own interests this time as well. As for Ankara’s extortion to Riyadh in case of murdering the Saudi journalist Jamal Khacheqchi. This is an example within a series of Turkish blackmails towards the countries of the region and the world . This is Turkey and its rogue fact.
Assatana 11 is presented by a delegation of Syrian regime and the other one of( armed opposition). They must be attended in order to say it is a round related to Syria . We should not be surprised that AL- Nussra , Turkmanistani and Religion Guards are attending this round. They actually represent the ( armed opposition ) . WE should not forget pale faces of Deraa Al – Furat ( The Euophrates Shield ) and Ghosen Al –Zayton ( Olive Branch ). This is the current Turkey, the compassionate mother to those in both retail and wholesale.
Assatana 11 is the daughter of Assatana 1 which graded from many slogans and contradictory signs, began from finding compromise and ( reducing aggravation ) , ( The Syrian Peoples Conference ) , ( constitutional committee in Sochi ) and finally with ( disarmed area ) in Idlib. All these done in order to create a context outside the international political solution , imposing forced reconciliations, recommendation of the regime again in the areas of compromises and its rehabilitation to restore the tyranny state in Syria which is divided under Assatana rounds . Syria is no longer the one which we knew one day . Today, Turkey occupies as much as half of Lebanon land in Syria , including Afrin . If it is possible to describe Assatana rounds , they succeeded in many things and the most important of them is the occupation of Afrin by Turkey.
It is important to mention that this round comes in large part of it to disrupt the activities of the meeting of Ain Issa . However, it is also important to emphasize that the mere finding simple comparison between the achievements of Asstana rounds (from 1 to 11) on one hand and the achievements of the Syria Democratic Council on the other one , including the Syrian-Syrian meeting according to the purely Syrian national agenda which are held in second Ain Issa to reach easily that SDC is still providing step by step in order to save Syria and preventing division and to be the active power through Syria Democratic Forces to liberate all Syrian geography. The secular democratic powers and all Syrian national powers are supposed to leave hesitation positions and preparing for building . A single step towards real solution is equal to all years of crises . The truth emphasizes that 11 equals 0 and 2 does not equals 2 . This refers that Assatana 11 is more unsuccessful , because it is the last mission for the international envoy to Syria , Mr. De Misstora . The Secretary General Mr. Gotterich had asked him to stay for the last mission . If the aim of comparisons is choosing, the choice which one is the Syrian destination is very easy. And what is necessary is a conscious and responsible will.