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This day represents the symbol of freedom and salvation from injustice to all people of the Middle East, especially Kurdish people in Syria. Newroz Day marks the beginning of resurrection, freedom and ending slavery and domination
This year, Newroz comes and the crisis of the Syrian people enters its ninth year, and the hostile parties have not weakened. First of all, Turkish regime by plotting outrageous conspiracies to occupy more Syrian territories and to implement its own agendas on the expense of our people
However, we will not accept to extinguish the torch of Kawa Hedad which coincides with the celebrations of our people with Newroz Day and the victories that are achieved by the Syria Democratic Forces on ISIS which threatened the whole world. We are anticipating the Declaration of great Victory.The anticipation is waited by Syrians to enhance civil peace and to prepare for a substantive negotiation process.This process is contrary to threats and statements issued by the Syrian regime that are faraway from solution and constructive dialogue
After our regions were liberated from tyranny and terrorism together; We have achieved ,through the solidarity of people, the belief in the option of coexistence and unity of destiny under our democratic self-administration, the shape and form of the Syrian crisis solution according to our political project
Newroz of this year is for victories over enemies of freedom, women, brotherhood and democracy
We hope that this year Newroz will be an entrance to return of Syrian sovereignty, and brotherhood among the main constituents of the region Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians and other cultures

One year had passed after resistance of Afrin, and the Turkish state, in cooperation with other international forces, wanted through attacking on Afrin and occupying it to reintroduce the scenario of genocide and demographic change in our regions
Thus, since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Turkey has not weakened to implement its Ottoman dreams, starting with occupation of Jarables, Azzaz , Al-Bab , Afrin and other Syrian regions
We will celebrate next year Newroz with Afrin and all occupied territories are liberated
On behalf of the Syria Democratic Council and on this occasion, we hope that Newroz of this year will be the beginning of a new stage of struggle until Syria reaches a democratic, decentralized state that guarantees all constituents, religions and races a free and a dignified life that based on justice and equality
On this occasion, we generally congratulate Kurdish people around the world with Newroz Day, we affirm that the solution of the Kurdish issue must be a fair solution that will be the main entrance to resolve the democratic issue that we as Syrians and the people of the Middle East need it at this time more than ever before

Happy Newroz Day
Mercy for our martyrs

The Syria Democratic Council

