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All the countries of the region are concerned in the Syrian issue in the first place. What is happening in Syria is reflected completely on all neighboring countries

With the division in the positions towards the Syrian crisis and the continuation of the situation on what it is now, this will lead the whole region to be involved in the crisis which will not be solved but by bloodshed at the end

The Syrian scene is very complicated and the region became complicated with it. Firstly, we do not find that political action had begun to achieve understandings among great states and secondly among the neighbouring states of Syria .Besides, giving freedom and rights to the people of the region is the first step towards the solution
What is happening in the region which is the cradle of global civilizations is very dangerous . More manipulation in the region and lack of opportunity for major adjustments will turn over on everyone ..
The people were not aware of what was happening in their surroundings.They were weak in analyzing the situation and fell in the network of politicians who play the game

But now we are witnessing that the peoples have become aware of the deep and clear policies practiced on them.These policies became uncovered
The level of awareness had increased among people but the governments do not know about such awareness and are still insisting on old practices .The pressure done on the lives of the people of the region will reflect negatively on those who practice such pressures, and countries should know that they are at the stage of political bankruptcy

These states must rearrange themselves in according to power of people and thought. Otherwise, the magic will turn upside down on the magician himself

The next stage is a stage towards freedom and democracy. You have to understand this truth. This transformation should be in our hands, in a way that do not lead to an abyss

Let us take experiences from history. What the people of European continent have reached is the result of a second world war that brought humanity to the abyss, as a result of personal policies and passions that came to power and became the source of legislation at the time
So what the Middle East is going through is similar to what Europe had been passed by but in a different way
As a result of the bottlenecks caused by the policy in the Middle East, the region has reached a dead end. The situation became accumulating without any ways to reduce these accumulations. The region as a whole has become a volcano. There is no way out of the crisis except in the comprehensive change of policies

The solution of the situation requires a great deal of courage by the dominant forces in the region. These forces have a historical responsibility to make the necessary transition to get out of the crisis
It is the moral responsibility of the superpowers to make pressure for this transformation
Supporting democratic transition enhances the rapprochement between all sects and constituents of the region. It opens new horizons for international politics. This policy, which went bankrupt and collided with the civilization of a region representing all humanity,. Such policy led to the emergence of extremist radical forces among all sects. This obstruction was reversed negatively on Europe, too. We have seen the emergence of the right wing recently in Europe and the latest incident in New Zealand, as a result of the positions of the political union practiced during the crises in the Arab world .We should not forget the trade union movement in France which felt that what the government has done is turning people into mere machines in a life lacks to renewal and development
We have seen what happened in Algeria. How did the people consciously move in front of a policy in a way that expresses the people’s strength which has borne fruit and prevailed in front of the ruling authority. It is clear to everyone that people learn from each other
The consciousness of the people is stronger than all authoritarian forces in the world

The intellectual and scientific progress is linked to freedom of individual and the sense of his humanity. Civilized development is linked to the cooperation among all components of peoples and citizens

There is no progress without democracy and the essence of tolerance and equality within a system governed by the principle of social justice
