The Syrian Democratic Council

A Statement for the Public Opinion

On the twelfth of the current March falls the 18th anniversary of Al-Qamishli uprising which was in March, 2004. That uprising was against the central tyranny regime through peaceful marches and popular demonstrations that started in Qamishli, Kobani and Afrin that is occupied now and extended to Aleppo and Damascus; which was carried out by tens of thousands of daughters and Sons of the Kurdish people in Syria against the unfair policies of tyranny that were against authentic people who has a fair cause and components which are from Syria and thwarted any attempt by the central tyranny regime since that time and until now, in which that regime was trying to create a disunity among components before and during a football match between the team of Al- Futowa from Deir ez-Zor and the local Jihad team in Al-Qamishli through some mercenaries affiliated to the authority in Damascus.
The consciousness of the people and the Kurdish Democratic Movement have thwarted that sedition, in which events proved that as means of the regime of central authoritarianism at the time and resorts to it until now, especially when people call for the Democratic Change, which at the moment seems inevitable and pointless to postpone.

The Syrian Democratic Council affirms that the uprising of the twelfth of March was a real Renaissance basis of the movement and the Syrian popular revolution in mid-March 2011, which continues its twelfth year, and the complementarity between Al-Qamishli uprising and the Syrian Dignity Revolution in March, 2011 is true and confirms the interdependence of Syrian issues and their solution within the democratic cause as a prelude to a transition as well as the fundamental and comprehensive democratic change.

While we bow to the martyrs of the uprising of Al-Qamishli in 2004 and the general martyrs of Syria, we affirm that crises in the whole world and the whole regions do not mean that the chances of a democratic solution to end the Syrian crisis are not available, but on the contrary, the solution of the Autonomous Administration and decentralized regime is the better solution to end the Syrian crisis according to the UN resolution 2254 in which this resolution represents the Syrian national change whether in combating terrorism or prevention for return the generalization of the central authoritarian regime in addition to make Syria undivided where a division threats Syria and extremists prepare it within the authority of the central tyranny or within the dependent opposition.

On March 11th, 2022

The Syrian Democratic Council

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