The Syrian Democratic Council

“The SDC” is the best project to achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people” The Executive Body declared at its annual meeting

The Executive Body of the Syrian Democratic Council considered that the council and its national projects for Syria in general are the best project to achieve the principles and goals of the Syrian people in which the people have demonstrated for them since more than twelve years ago.

In order to conduct a general assessment, a review of the council’s policies and study the political developments witnessed in Syria and the region during 2022, the Executive Body of the Syrian Democratic Council met on December 28th and 29th with its all members in Al-Qamishli that is in northeastern of the country.

The participants presented a study and assessment of the international situation in the light of regional and international geopolitical changes and discussed at length the changes in world politics and their impact on the Syrian crisis, and the balance of international powers in light of the political and military tensions imposed by the nature of international crises.

The meeting discussed in particular the effects of the Ukrainian – Russian war, its consequences, and the future of the Russian Federation as an international party on international political relations and its impact on the Syrian issue.

The members of the meeting assessed the international meetings hosted by the Middle East region during 2022 and the increasing intensity of international and regional competition, and also touched on the rising Chinese role in the region and the importance of the recent China-Arab rapprochement and the impact of that role on the Syrian scene.

The meeting touched upon the Turkish role and its threat to local and regional peace and stability through direct military interventions and its occupation of the region’s territories, including Syria and Arab countries, and through side agreements through which Turkey gains more influence and expansion at the expense of the peoples of the region and their future.

The participants discussed security and military issues and agreed on the importance of continuing coordination between the Syrian Democratic Forces and the International Coalition to combat terrorism and intensifying efforts to end terrorism and eliminate its intellectual sources.

The meeting also discussed the broad outlines and general principles of the work of “the SDC” in the next stage according to international, regional and local developments, and the officials of the bureaus presented the annual work reports, which included the political and organizational situation of the bureaus, and the participants exchanged views on various files and key issues related to the political and organizational affairs of the Syrian Democratic Council.

In this context, the meeting members stressed the importance of the course of the national dialogue (intra-Syrian dialogue) led by the council with the Syrian national powers inside and outside the country in order to build a Democratic Pole that brings together Syrians and their powers to discuss the political negotiation process.

The meeting members discussed the framework that the preparatory committee for the Fourth Conference of “the SDC” should work according to, the annual plan of the council’s bureaus, the relationship of “the SDC” with the Autonomous Administration of north and east Syria, the importance of maintaining a comprehensive national role at the Syrian level and the importance of working with various national opposition powers within the framework of the basic national standards and principles that are inclusive for Syrians, such as the issue of national identity and redefining it, and the adoption of decentralization as a democratic principle for a future Syria.

The meeting also touched upon the relationship of “the SDC” with the political, military and social powers on the Syrian arena, their rhetoric regarding the Kurdish issue in Syria and the region, their position on the Syrian Revolution and on the authority in Damascus, especially with the repeated scandals about the meetings that bring together the leaders of Turkey with the leaders of the Syrian authority in Damascus.

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