The Syrian Democratic Council

A Statement for the Public Opinion

The Syrian people in the northeastern regions of Syria recall the glorious July 19th Revolution, which embodied the essence of the Syrian people’s revolution for freedom, dignity, and the construction of a new Syria where there are no despotism, extremism, and autocracy.

The July 19th Revolution proved to the world that the Syrian people are capable of change and rebuilding. No force can weaken the will of Syrian people for life and freedom. The secret of the revolution’s victory and strength lies in the unity and solidarity of all components of the region, including Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Turkmen, and other components of the Syrian people in the area.

As we commemorate this occasion, which is a turning point in the country’s history, we must recall and praise the heroism of the people of northeastern Syria, who have achieved great victories against terrorism starting from Kobani that is the symbol of resistance, and extending to Manbij, Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor, and all the cities and villages in the region. Their people sought for rebuilding and proved their competence in administration and leadership. They established the Autonomous Administration, which is considered as a shining model for what Syrians aspire to throughout the country.

We congratulate the Syrians on this national achievement, which embraced all components and supported a sense of belonging and connection to the Syrian national identity. It faced attempts which are against the safety, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity of the Syrian territories and its people. It empowered women to assume their roles in life and engage in leadership positions across various fields. It encouraged the youth to participate in nation-building and contribute to the development of this experience with their youthful mindset and enthusiasm.

We, as the Syrian Democratic Council, view that the July 19th Revolution, which achieved all those gains and presented a model for the country’s future, as well as remarkable initiatives to resolve the Syrian crisis. We, as Syrians, should build upon it, develop it as a model for achieving the aspirations of the Syrian people for change, democracy, and pluralism.

After all these sacrifices, we cannot do justice to the Syrian people except through a democratic project that unites Syrians of all backgrounds and contributes to solve all issues and challenges, especially the Kurdish issue and other components. It establishes an inclusive national state that is free from exclusion and discrimination as a prelude to build a new Syria and reclaim its civilizational role.

On July 18th, 2023
The Syrian Democratic Council

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